IA here

Thats funny!
How's yer toof bin?
I always think about you everytime I can't move. Gotta tell the back quack tomorrow that he aint helpin a bit, I should be pain free but am not. Never, ever have I had a back sore for this long and with such pain. How do you fire a chiorpractor? Or spell it for that matter?
The other egg from the 12th was not developing so we took it out. 2 other orloff eggs don't seem to be doing anything, but we are still going to wait a few days and see what happens. But the other 4 Orloff eggs and the Buttercup one are doing great!
Hope we can get a good hatch. We are on the 6th day.
It could be they were just too old or maybe got too cold when we were there? But to have four is a rare thing! Ask how many others have them....

As I mentioned, they can be difficult to hatch and I will help you out closer to hatch time with that issue. How are my other former birds doing? Have you given them some bread yet?
It could be they were just too old or maybe got too cold when we were there? But to have four is a rare thing! Ask how many others have them....

As I mentioned, they can be difficult to hatch and I will help you out closer to hatch time with that issue. How are my other former birds doing? Have you given them some bread yet?

Good! I hope it still keeps going well with the rest of the eggs. I gave them bread the first day, but I have been able to get to my moms
I wanted to go the other day but the darn snow made it so we couldn't go over there...too slick and cars were going off the road. I am going to go pick them up tomorrow and I will give them some bread
My toof still is giving me fits. I have percocet thank goodness. I have found that warm/hot foods set off the pain the most. Cold milk makes it go away.

We should have dental at the beginning of the year. Three weeks seems like an eternity at this point.

Wanna share my percocet? I hate them, they make me sick to my stomach but they make the tooth stop hurting. I only take one at night so I can get some sleep.

P is starting to look better. I was holding her today and she still has some weight on her and is eating. She also got pissy about being held - so I think that is a good sign.

I swear the puppies were laughing at dear old dad...
Glad you're posting again Stephanie. Am also glad to hear that P is feeling a bit better. I went out this am to turn on lights and got about 5 birds sneezing. It got really cold last night. Think I'll turn up the heat. Gonna set some more eggs today, am gonna try and hatch some Sussex eggs, the girls have been laying really well the last few days and want to check fertility. Remember the roo had the limp? He has calmed down and is not limping as much now.... I think it would help if he'd stay off the girls
Well, better keep moving. Heard through the grape vine, I was at the top of the list for the job I applied for, hope I get a call!

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