IA here

I am trying to integrate my 5 week olds with my hens and 1 rooster. First I was going to just make a place for them in the run during the day and cart them back and forth in a pet taxi to the brooder in the garage. Well yesterday after work I came home and spent a couple hours brainstorming and building a makeshift area for them in the coop and this is what I came up with. Hopefully this will go fast. I let them have the whole coop today with the hens and seemed to go ok.

Behind this lid and half door I have kinda hinged, is a little hole that they can go in and out of their little area.

One of the hens checking things out when she came back in to lay her egg. She didn't bother them.

Chicken wire attached to the rail of the nest boxes with zip ties. Where the doornob was on the half door I zip tied that to the rail too. I also attached the chicken wire with staples to the door. It kinda opens so I can put food and water back there for them. I also draped several mesh fabrics on the ends to discourage the hens from flying in those areas. I set the big pet taxi on top and leaned lids on the other ends so they couldn't fly up on top of the nest boxes and then down to the chicks. All the bricks and blocks along the bottom hold the chicken wire down. lol! I told you it was makeshift!


Some of the chicks out in the open area, some of them back in their area, a hen in the nest box. Hope this works. They all slept in the coop last night but the chicks were closed in. Tonight I will leave it like it has been all day. They have lots of places to run and get away from the hens.

I got some pics of the oldest mixes we have and another that I don't quite remember what it was....it's small. I thought we had hatched more ia blues, but idk lol we have too many young birds right now.

This one was just laced, but now it is getting a buff color in through the wings now too.

This bird also has green in it's leg color, that's slate right? I have a pic of them but don't feel like uploading that too lol..I can do it later if you want to see.


This is the one that just looks like a barred rock, but it's an ia blue mix.

And the "runt" Maybe this is one of the ia blues, not sure lol.


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Lol for everyone that doesn't know me, my last name is Piehl and is pronounced like "peel". The whole pregnancy I threatened that I was going to name the kid Banana. My friends dubbed her Kaylie instead and she is 2.5 months old now.

Starting her out right.... No sissy books for her. She's starting to try and read the Ace Hardware ads. She might be usefull out in the barn after all. Someday.....


I post her in front of the aviary and let my dog babysit her....


I dress her up like a monkey and my family has a conniption...


She really don't like those frilly dresses anyway...


Practicing for the days when she can have her own pony.... She's stuck riding the dog for now.


Now if we could just tuck a chicken under her arm, she'll be ready for showmanship soon.

Sure, I thought Mike didnt like those dumb birds, I still haven't heard anymore about when the next sale is in Osceola, or did I miss it? When do you want to part with the porcelains? I sold the Muscovy hen , two drakes and her 9 newly hatched ducklings to a couple from Fort Calhoun, Ne and haven't had any more hatch yet, had 5 guineas that I took to the brooder this noon,should be a few more by tommorrow.

The next sale is June 19th. My muscovy hen STILL isn't laying
but her and Duck Dodger will get within about a foot of me now. It's progress...

8 of the ducklings I bought are almost as big as Dee Dee duck now. They grow pretty fast! Unfortunately it looks like they are all drakes (the big ones) There are 2 I want to keep out of those 8 just for their coloring.

Edited because I put the wrong date...
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A bit nerve wracking isn't it?
I have to make room for up coming chicks and have gradually started to integrate my 9 and 7 week olds. It is pretty chaotic with 30 young chicks running around out side enjoying their freedom, but oh so fun to watch! Most of the older ones are pretty good with them, but they better learn to stay away from the broodies!
here is the website for Osceola if anyone is interested: http://jjswsmallanimalauction.com/

I had a singleton EE hatch Friday night and a broody that is an experienced mama that has been sitting for about 2 1/2 weeks. I thought BINGO! I will just let her raise this chick. I tucked it under her last night and she was fine with that but this morning I went out and it was wandering around alone and scared, with mama still sitting tight on her nest
Apparently she can count to 21 and knew this wasn't her chick.

The chick ran straight to me when he saw me. I let him down with the month old chicks for awhile so they could show him how to eat and drink and he got a super long drink then ran around and around the red part of the waterer (in it ). Now he was just walking all over my keyboard trying to catch my hands so I would hold him.

New house chicken??
Good luck with that house chicken, I see Stuart has it's exotic sale the same day, DW says she is coming with to Osceola as she has the day off. I will probably be taking my geese and if I have a Muscovy hatch maybe I'll have to bring them for you! I have two more hens that look like triplets with DeDe, but they should be hatching soon, can't understand why yours isn't laying yet!!!

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