IA here

Your cochins are looking good . Me and my son are looking forward to comming down to meet with you. And learn more about showing and conditioning, he is excited to see what you have to show us. And I did get ahold of Mark and we will meet with him also a couple of weeks after we come and see you. We have alot to learn yet, but are very willing also. Fall is comming up on us fast!
IA. jake :

Your cochins are looking good . Me and my son are looking forward to comming down to meet with you. And learn more about showing and conditioning, he is excited to see what you have to show us. And I did get ahold of Mark and we will meet with him also a couple of weeks after we come and see you. We have alot to learn yet, but are very willing also. Fall is comming up on us fast!

Can't say enough good about Mark Peterson and his birds. They have had the same line of Blacks for over 50 years! He got us started and the Blacks that beat my Blacks at the State Fair are out of birds from Mark. He does a good job with all the breeds he raises.​
Hi show folks, I have a question for you. How old are your birds when you first start showing them? Will a bird hatched in April or May be old enough to show in November? When do you start keeping them separate from the flock? I think I need lessons from Craig as well
I showed 1 pullet that was born in March(found her dead last week) and 3 that were born in April at the State fair. They were a little young but almost ready. I think a lot depends on the breed and even varieties within a breed.. Cochins take longer than some to fully fill out. I see some very nice Wyandottes that are ready earlier than Cochins. So yes by November most birds hatched in April-May will probably be ready.
you can milk anytime as long as its about 12 hours apart. i milk 8 and 8. my goat guy milked at noon and midnight cause he worked 2nd shift. ya just got to keep with it.

my neighbor gave me 4 ducks i've decided that that is too many. my backyard is very loud. hubby say they are going with us to waverly.
steph you going to waverly? i should have seen which way you took home from CR we could have met up.
I really, really want to go to Waverly just to look around. Not sure that I'll have anything for sale.
I came straight across I-80 off of 380 to get home. Got home at 9 PM on Wednesday, then helped a friend get her Kindergarten class settled yesterday, then did errands with Alex until 7 PM. It was a long day. But getting out of town for just one night was nice.
ah i don't feel so bad then if you came over on 30 i would have. i have a package for you i need to just mail it since all my good intentions of visiting have fallen thru. the little frizzle hen i got from you is finally growing her feathers back and is setting on 7 eggs. they should hatch this weekend.
X2 - I just got so busy with working for Americorps this summer and then had to have the whole front end redone on my poor car just to feel like I could drive on the interstate. It still has some shake at 60 + MPH but not like it did. The alignment people think when Amber smacked a curb last year it probably bent the frame a little bit. It was shaking at anything over 30MPH.

Those little frizzles are really good at loosing feathers - they seem kind of on the brittle side to me. But they are really good mamas.
I have good birds and didn't get some of those ribbons this year! I know what those ribbons mean. Congratulations!! I find it a good time if you win and a good time if you don't win. I LOVE the Iowa State fair show.
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