IA here

You are so correct. It is gorgeous weather. No heat needed or air conditioning! My birds all love it except for the 1 week old Black chicks following around a Columbian hen I used to hatch them. The fall show season will start for me in about a month. Planning on 3 fall shows. Denver Oct 8, Indianapolis Oct 27-?,and Iowa City Thanksgiving. Hope to see some of you there.
I will probably go lookie lookie at the Iowa City show.
Weather permitting of course. I hear you about the chicks. I have two chicks I got at the feed store that I was putting outside during the day and now it is too cold to do that. I think they miss the fresh air.
I would imagine if you come to look you will find some birds there that you will enjoy. I always see some that I love and usually in a breed I never considered raising. Did you get to the poultry show at the Ia state fair?
Yep I saw the poultry at the fair. Just living in the city I can only think about having different breeds. Just not enough room here to pen them separately.
Pyncheon, Delaware and RIR bantam chicks are to be delivered tomorrow morning! Anyone interested in RIR bantams? I got them to make a minimum order but it's not something I plan to get into. I am relying on some of this nice weather to continue to bring up these birds.
Craig... I would think they'd also require to at least wear shoes and a smile?
I had to add that, I could'nt resist!

Chicks were a day late arriving, they came in this morning. One pyncheon was dead in the box, another just could'nt hang on and have lost one Delaware. Am waiting to see if all the others will be okay. They seem fine but it will take a day for sure. They should get their timing down better so these little ones don't have to wither away. They are drinking up a storm and putting away alot of feed which is good. There was no gro-gel in the box with them. I think they threw in a few packing peanuts, don't know what they are.
Last time I had an order for myself, they threw in some peanuts that i assumed were broiler males. I gave all 13 of them to my nephew and his wife, and they turned out to be a layer of some kind that layed huge eggs and were big birds so they processed them as well. I got 6 RIR bantams and they are cute little chicks. I haven't actually counted the birds, they have thrown in a few extras of each. They do that toward the end of the hatching season.
Just checked and they all seem to be doing well at this point.

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