Icelandic Chickens

NOT a very busy day on the Icelandic thread. My little Icelandics have found the high roost in the grow out pen. They crack me up. AND I made the mistake of leaving a small roll of paper towels on top of the two nest boxes in their pen. They flew up there, knocked it down and had it torn to shreds when I got home today. None of the others fly up there, just the Icelandics.
We had a beautiful afternoon today! The morning was cold but then it got up to 60 F!! Most of the snow we got has melted and the rest should be gone by this time tomorrow. It's suppose to stay above freezing tonight and temps tomorrow are forecast to be near the same as today! Who can blame the chickens for thinking it's Spring already?! It's hard to convince them that it's not time to brood chicks when it feels like late March or early April already!
I had to take my Java girl off the nest again last night. I put her in solitary and she was up and pacing this morning so I let her out with the flock and she was scratching outside so I left for work. I came home for lunch...she's back in the nest on a golf ball...growling and carrying on when I picked her up and put her back in solitary...
I'm glad none of the Icelandics have picked-up-on her bad example!

It's currently 55 F and feeling way too much like spring again today...only snow left on the ground is where it was shoveled or drifted into deeper piles. That ground hog better not be seeing any shadow on Thursday!!

Speaking many Icelandics you got in the bator?
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No Icelandics in the bator this time.

I have 22 eggs due tomorrow. 5 Olive Eggers. (3 SWA x FBCMs (dark brown eggs) and 2 SWA X {BWM X BWA olive colored eggs})

17 are purebred Ams, 6 from my coop, 11 from WMR.

1 purebred Am. pippedfrom my coop at about noon. It's still pipped. One from WMR that wasn't even pipped 20 minutes ago is out of it's shell.

I hope I get at least 2 out of the 22 to hatch!
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Good luck hatchers! I have 14 Icelandics hatching plus two freak egg. (not Icelandic crosses!) One yellow Icelandic is out and six more are pipped. I am hoping to find a local buyer for them. Lukka returned to the flock again today since the mean goat is gone so I am not collecting eggs from the Icelandics for a month again. I found forty rotten eggs laid all in the straw in the goat house today! So I cleaned it out and got it down to bare earth. I dare them to lay there!
I have New Hampshires and Delawares in there. Oh, and a few Olive Eggers, too.

I don't think I will hatch any more F2s...... well, not sure, really. I am waiting for my F2s to begin laying, so I can hatch F3s.

That is great!!! Post lots of pics!

I have just started hatching out my F2s. I must say it is very exciting to see what you get. I currently have about 16 hatched. Which is all I got to hatch last summer of the F1s. I think my roo was shooting blanks 90% of the time. But fertility has been great! *knock on wood*

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