Icelandic Chickens

Deb alls well that ends well !

To all such beautiful baby pics, love them !

Life is good, and better with Icelandic Chickens
Deb - great looking babies you have there! And welcome to the Icelandic thread!

Mary - I hope Lukka is doing well.
They can heal really well, just remember mine that hooked herself on a nail. Hopefully Jack is used enough to the emu's now that it won't be an issue. (and hopefully the emu's are smart enough to leave him alone
I have been without internet since last night. After two excruciatingly painful telephone interactions with "technical support" it is finally working again.

Lukka looks fine today. Thank goodness. I don't think we'll get the emus moved until next week. Michael is going on a motorhome/boat trip this weekend with his daughters and he is preoccupied with that. So Lukka will have to stay locked up another few days. Hopefully by the first of next week we can get it done.
good gosh Mary, I hope they don't start listing emus along with pit bulls, rots and dobes. Maybe put in a call to the 'emu whisperer," whomever that may be

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