Icelandic Chickens

Where in the world is Jake Levi?
More importantly where are the pictures of Sergey and the Ark?

Kathy, Too late for me to be of any help...hope you're not sleeping in the coop because of the poll!

on the barn and
to the inspector!

Mary, Love the emu dance!!

......and Jake must be too busy helping birth kitties and seeing the wonderful countryside to bother with us!
Wow!! I'm gone all day and wives have been arranged, loved ones lost, the ark is MIA and the diva has yet another new outfit... All y'all been busy today!!

I have 6 Icelandics in lockdown and tonight I have a pip... it is actually a crack that is close to 3/4 of an inch long!!

Mary... I have some local eggs for a friend in the incubator right now that are a week behind the Icelandics and when I candled everything yesterday I noticed something.. The Icelandic eggs all have huge non symetrical air cells.. I had noticed this before but in comparison to other eggs side by side it was dramatically noticeable.. Since they are all in the same incubator and same humidity etc, I'm wondering if the shipping or altitude change or something is affecting my shipped Icelandic eggs and that is why I have had such horrible success with them.. Out of 35 local eggs, I have 30 developing so it can't be my incubator...
It will be interesting to see how my own icelandic eggs do next spring....

Check out the crest on my single little 3 week old!!
Shawn, love that crest!
I don't live at any unusual altitude, but the aircells in eggs I received from different sources were all abnormal and the percentage of hatchlings was WAY lower than my own eggs incubated together with the shipped ones. Many that managed to develop, could not pip internally into an aircell and died in the egg. I won't receive any more shipped eggs because of this. Too disheartening........... Shipped birds or eggs that can be picked up are going to be how I have to get new stock, my local PO is great but whatever happens before it gets here is what does the damage.
Same here, the shipped eggs have detached aircells, although some of those do hatch, many are scrambled in the shell prior to delivery

I can't wait to see what next year, and my own eggs, brings
Kelly, so sorry about Luna! I still check into the thread from time to time, though don't post much. The main thing that would keep me from getting these is all the roosters you guys get! Good grief, seems like they're mostly males from all the hatches! Is that true or am I just misreading it?
Mary is getting closer to a 50/50 split. At first she was hatching mostly males, but now it seems her hatches are pretty evenly split, if not tipping a bit more to the pullet side.

Thanks Cyn. She was white, so a huge magnet around here. We have a pair of owls that live on our property as well as many, many hawks. I don't have any issue with them in the runs anymore, but if they get out of the run, there's not much I can do. My 2 roosters are still young, so they haven't taken over as flock leader yet. Things will get better once that happens.

I had a barnevelder with a bloody comb last night and I managed to catch her, but my #1 rooster came to her rescue. He didn't do anything thankfully, but he definitely wasn't happy with me. I took her in and cleaned it and put neosporin on it. I think either a rooster mated with her and grabbed her comb by mistake, or she stuck her head through the fence and tore it.
Hi Cyn,

The last time I did the math, my Icelandic hatches were 60-40 females. Although, the last hatch is still undecided and if I'm right, it'll tip the scales a bit further on the girlie side.

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