Icelandic Chickens

My NYD Icelandics are really growing... big wing feathers and tail feathers and they are eating like pigs and pooping everywhere. I only have 7 chicks left in the LareeBrooder and the other 20 are in the grow out pen with a heat lamp. I probably shouldn't but I've been feeding them some 7 grain bread as a treat to endear them to me. ( They go crazy for it)
I've also been giving them flock raiser (18%). The Laree Brooder has been getting a mixed mash and the ones in the 8X8 grow out pen seem to be growing faster. Weird. The SFH has her shoes off but she still walks funny. I still don't know which of the other ones is the SFH (one died)... Looking at Bostons photos, I see a couple that look like what I thought was a SFH, so now I'm guessing they are just chocolate Icelandics.


Boston ,T have a blue hen taht is identical to yours!

Hickchick I saw where sandhill had icelandics. Will be anxious to see what you get from them. Please keep us in plenty of pics!lol

Jake are you getting snowed under with all that storm stuff on the west coast? Sounds like there is a lot more comming in behind it too!
Hi everyone, thanks for your additional replies. I promise you that I wasn't fishing around for comments, but am grateful that you responded. As I said a while back, I'd like to start keeping and raising Icelandics. But, I'm not willing to do that until I know that I can keep them well and preserve them. For me, that means learning first and then adding on to what I already have. Then, birds. Right now, I have a 4x8 raised coop with a 15x25 enclosed run + 4 BO and 4BR. I have plenty of room to expand and plenty of room for ranging and a retired father in law who loves projects. Oh, and a pole barn that will need to be removed when we build a garage.

But, school and writing will keep me busy for the next few months, so I'm learning about Icelandics as I'm able (and daydreaming all the while). Your replies and your insight are so very helpful. Maybe by late spring I'll have a bit more time to begin putting plans into action.

I wanted to reply to this but then I forgot
Anyway, I have my Icelandics in a run that shares a "wall" fence with my Black Austrolorps. There haven't been any issues with them fighting thru the fence. However they were raised together.

No worries. I just found an urgent (to the sender) email that I should have replied to a few weeks ago. It happens, and I do appreciate that you replied!

Pete, I wanted to reply to this, as well, but my son was sick this weekend and generously "shared" with DH and me. I haven't felt much like doing anything.

I don't think Icelandics are any different than any breed that has to share a common wall. The difference is all in the individual bird. One of my original males would go and find the other males. I rotated free-ranging days and on his days out, he would go where ever they were, and taunt them through the fence, leaving the hens alone. He was culled and none of my others have ever done this. Keep in mind that the size of the run and the ability to have something else to do besides pace the fence will make the most difference. A bored mind with limited options will find something to do; many times it's not a positive thing.

We've had a bit of something going on here, too. Spread by offspring, as well. I think that Icelandics are starting to sound more and more like people to me......

Pete, Isi and Bjorn are only fighting because Bjorn is dating Isi's longtime girlfriend.

Yes, definitely more and more like humans. Thanks!
Mary, I am sorry I mess up your blog with my comments. Every time I post, it makes multiple copies. I have no idea why. I click "submit," only once. Gosh, how embarrassing....

I got part of my new computer order today, and hope the rest comes tomorrow. Maybe the problem is my old cranky computer. Sheeeesh.... Sorry.

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