IceMan's Chooks!!

Finally got the back wall on, just needed to sort out the roof and floor... too many ideas!!

please excuse the blurry pics

Well its finally outside, finished bolting the posts on and its now upright!!!

here some pics... still got a few things to do but not far off!!
and the run is approx 3m x 2m x 1.8m can't wait!!

Got a bit more done... finally!!!

The floor, roost, roof and ladder are all in/on... just need to find some funds to get the timber for the run, and true to form that will be over

Inside and roost

The Floor


I am getting there bit by bit!!

the run has been set out, need to get some more timber to finish it off.

starting to apply the chicken wire too

and even got some outdoor roosts made, the stump and branches, was a tree that was pulled down in order to make room for the run!

And i had to take a photo of the chicken wire... so, who uses chicken wire in their fish tanks?
Here is some progress... i know its taking a while but i've had limited time and funds to get things going.

The frame for the run is up!!

We have some wire!!

My little Chicken

I still need to wrap the top layer around, tighted all the wire, wire the door and two panels under the coop.

Went over to the Riddells Creek Farmers Market and picked up some local chooks.
These came from the Emu Farm in Gisborne and had started laying over the past couple of days.

The new girls are 22 weeks old and are already settled in!!

All ready to head home!!
The Chook Mahal is finished enough to house the chooks...

The nesting box is nice and comfy

Plenty of comfy bedding to cover the coop floor that will become a nice addition to compost bin soon.

The nesting boxes with the lid open

Roost (i'll install another one this coming weekend)

doorway to outside world
the chook diner... the water system is temporary as i will have a self feeding system setup soon

and from the other side

the chooks house prior to the chooks...

and from the other end

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