IceMan's Chooks!!

Very nice! Any predators in your area? I'd be a bit worried as many determined animals can get through chicken wire to get a meal. If it's hardware cloth or welded wire - you're good.

Domestic cats would be our 'common' predators around here with the slight chance of foxes and thats it. I'm more worried about the mice getting in and making a mess to be honest.

I'm keeping a close eye on things to see if anything is scratching around the outside, the chooks are doing a great job of digging up the inside.
we've been flying through the eggs... 4-5 eggs a day including some big double yolkers!!

here is a video...FINALLY!!!!!!!
its a nice coop, you did great thinking it out and using recycled boards too. The coop does need a window or two for ventilation, it is key to healthy hens. The boards on the lid to the nest may allow water to drip in and make the nest boxes wet. A solid lid with the boards over top for looks would help with this. As another mentioned chicken wire stops nothing getting to the chickens. You will quickly learn what all predators are around too now that you have chickens. Raccoons, skunks, possum, coyote, owls, hawks, dogs, cats, mink (and other weasel) as well as rats (toe biters and egg stealers). Thats just a short list of what you can expect to find nosing around.
its a nice coop, you did great thinking it out and using recycled boards too. The coop does need a window or two for ventilation, it is key to healthy hens. The boards on the lid to the nest may allow water to drip in and make the nest boxes wet. A solid lid with the boards over top for looks would help with this. As another mentioned chicken wire stops nothing getting to the chickens. You will quickly learn what all predators are around too now that you have chickens. Raccoons, skunks, possum, coyote, owls, hawks, dogs, cats, mink (and other weasel) as well as rats (toe biters and egg stealers). Thats just a short list of what you can expect to find nosing around.

cheers, where the coop is located is under trees with fairly dense foliage. Also we do cover the nesting boxes its just not in the video or photos. we leave the door to the run open all the time and the way the roof is constructed allows for ventilation as well.

Being in Australia (Melbourne) we only have to contend with cats, dogs, foxes and mice (slim chance at rats but still a possibility).

there are small dogs in the surrrounding properties and some cats but yet to have an issue, no doubt we will but nothing yet.

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