ID This Spider for Me (WARNING! Don't Look if You're Squeamish!!)


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
It's about an inch long in this position. Not sure how big it would be with legs outstretched. I'm looking online to try to ID, but if someone knows off the top of their head, that would be swell. I've seen two or three of them here.

That is a cactus, not a spider.

What IS that???? I was scared to look, but any time someone says DONT LOOK, I gotta look. But that thing is an offcial member of the United States Marine Corp.
Sure looks camouflaged, doesn't it? I was thinking some sort of jumping spider due to the body shape, but would like to know what variety. Am still checking sites, as long as the storms stay away. Have been off line for several days due to a fried modem from the last storm. Just got up and running again.
They way it's crouched makes me think of trap-door spiders, where are you finding them? (so one doesn't find me).

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