Ideal hatchery Stock

I am at seaworld with the family when we get back home ill snap a shot of her I only have one my friend ordered several but I just got 1.
[/img] She is gradually coloring up nicely getting more of the white... I cannot for the life of me remember exactyly when we ordered them and all of the birds in the photo are not from Ideal the splash ones are from gabbard farms that i hatched from eggs. I am just getting birds again we moved off our little farm about 4 years ago to get a bigger house because we were expecting another child and the farm house was much too small for us... I am finally getting some more birds after 4 years but now that we live in the "city" (very small town) I cannot have near as many birds as i once did. I hope that you like her I do and I think once she gets her mature plumage she will look great!
our feedstore gets chicks from Ideal. I got 24 birds from them the day they arrived at the store. Two of the "Red" breeds died on me, one failed to thrive and I had to cull it, and I have no idea what happened to the other one. I only ended up with one BR pullet from them though, the others I sold.
Anyway, so far she lays often and she's very fertile - has a baby in my brooder now. She's naughty and full of spunk, as a BR should be (see the stories of Barbara thread
I've ordered from 3 hatcheries total.Years ago hubby used to order his sex links and such from McMurray.Never any problems other then maybe 1 or 2 residual shipping losses.
This year I found Ideal and Cackle.Cackle totally sucked I had to wait a month for the 4 varieties I ordered,then only received 3 varieties and only a total of 18 chicks instead of 40.5 DOA then 1-2 a day until I ended up with 2.Still have them but are about to cull as they should be MUCH larger than they are and just not thriving. When I contacted them on arrival concerning the number and the dead,I got really poor service and no refund or replacements.Not even offered.
Ideal has been great to me.I have ordered a lot of different varieties,mostly OEGB,but also cornish,wyandottes,broilers,and some others.I have some buff and or red silkies in the brooder right now from them.Over the course of the year I've probly ordered 300-400 or more birdsIn about 5 or so orders..Total loss of maybe 20-25 due to shipping(usually none),and the average squooshing and such. I have been really pleased with my experience.Theyhave always been wonderful,always willing to help out in any way.I had an order of OEGB quail and it was a few short(late in the season) well the next week I get a call from my P.O. telling me I have peepers to pick up? It was more Quail OEGB.Not only had she refunded for the missing,but she shipped me double what it was.At no charge to me.I have had some come out not so favorable looking in color or plumage,but I've also had some very nice ones come out too. I already have my first order pending for first hatches of a few.
Here are a few of my Ideals: Of course these were the keepers,obviously since you always get roosters,I had a few to go through...

I love your birds they look great! My main reason for choosing ideal to begin with is because they are located very near me so overnight delivery is most certain... I also use Privett for this reason... I have had nothing but good service from both hatcheries.
My broilers are from Ideal and I would order from them again in a heartbeat. I also ordered from another hatchery this year, not nearly as impressed.
I finally ordered from Ideal. I changed what I originally was going to order. I had such a hard time picking the breeds.

However, I decided to get 5 Black Australops, and 5 Barred Rocks and a couple more Ameraucana's. I have heard great things about the BA's Also, I really wanted something that laid a lot of eggs, and yet was gentle. The BA's , BR's and are suppose to be both. I went with all pullets. The bad thing is I have to wait until June to get them. However, when I do, I will post some pictures.
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