Identification Please!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 15, 2013
My girlfriend and I just bought a duck a few days ago. We were under the impression it was a pekin but was told by the person we bought it from that it is an indian runner. Is there any early signs to tell sense we are new to the duck keeping world.
. Could you post a picture of the bird? Does it have a upright stance?

Did you buy it from a breeder or a store? If a breeder than it should be what they say, not necessarily though. If a store, it could be anything.

Runner-notice the belly/chest is almost vertical to the ground. They sometimes look a little more relaxed and horizontal but when walking they are upright.

Pekin- pay attention to the left one which is in a normal stance, belly parallel to ground. All ducklings will stand a bit upright if startled/interested in things etc.


Post a pic of the duckling standing on its own and we can help out a bit.
It ( cause we r still unsure on gender) runs and walks vertically and is very fast.. It stands in all different stances from horizontal to vertical. Doesnt waddle.. And the yellow on the face is turning brownish along with other areas.. very very vocal duck.. Any suggestions are appreciated.. Id like to know what we have..
I research every animal i ever attempt im a salt water aquarium junkie. So due to that i try to learn everything i can about any animal i attempt to keep. So i was convinced i had a pekin. BUT, i then recieved a message from a friend of mine, who i bought Fea from, claiming that the person who brought Fea into his pet store says it is a indian runner and 2 months old.... Do you feel that this information is accurate?
I'd say Pekin by the pics but runners, almost exclusively, are the only ones that walk upright. Where did you buy it?

It is probably loud because it is a lone duckling. It will need to be with a person almost 24/7. They are flock animals and need constant companionship. If you think that may be a problem, I'd get it a friend ASAP, similar age is best.

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