if i didnt pinion(sp?), would my mandarins and wood ducks fly off.


9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
Marysville Ohio
i have a pen on the back of my barn with a 2 ft or so wide creek about 20 feet behind it. if i let my mandarins and wood ducks out of the pen, would they fly off if left un-pinioned?(sp?)
Probably,.... they may come back and stay or may pick someplace better...... My friend has a pair that stay around but another female went missing..... I think it comes down to how much you like them. If you really really like them, they will disappear. If you could care less if they stay, they stay around forever......
lol yea thats ususally how it happens. the favorites always go first and the ones we want somethin to get always seem to stay
I wouldn't risk it. If you go and buy a couple of pair of Mandarins/Woodducks and Pay X amount of money for them i wouldn't want to let them have the chance to fly off and never come back, there was a person on here a week or so ago that had a hen that escaped and never came back as well.
yea i see your point.
i can see where your comming from.
i guess i dont think i would want to loose my money on a beautiful pair of mandarins or woodies to have them fly off.
I would just caution that a threat to aviculture is the escape/release on non-native species. The mute swan problem is a fine example of both the problems, and regulations that came come from accidental or intentional releases. Please don't risk my future ability to keep birds because you allowed them to fly off.

I would keep them in their pen. If they are released you'll probably not see them again, even if they were raised at your place.

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