If I lick a chocolate bar....

And the crackle bars have rice krispies in them, which is sorta like rice, so good for ya right?
And the crackle bars have rice krispies in them, which is sorta like rice, so good for ya right?

Yup. Rice is a worldwide staple. Clearly it is good for you. Eat more crackle bars.
Okay so it's only milk chocolate here. You can hit two of the food groups...the vegetable (cocoa bean) and milk which is dairy.....
OK, Just to make all you ladies feel good. My mother is pretty much disabled at age 78. She has had 3 heart attacks, a stroke, quad bypass and is a heart failure patient. Now don't say poor woman, she is a tough old cookie that is only held down because of her hip being bum. We do her shopping for her and at the start of the month we pick her up twelve 7oz milk chocolate Hersey Bars. Those are the big ones. She eats at least a half a bar each night until they are gone. Then we pick her up a few more as the month trails on. Her heart doc and her primary doc both tell her that they are good for her. She maintains her strict weight requirement, blood sugar stays normal and it just doesn't make her any sweeter. And this is for a lady who gets virtually no excercise. ASo you can't tell me that chocolate is fattening...
I thought you were gonna say "if I lick a chocolate bar would you still eat it?" LOL

I stole part of one from my boss this morning. He said "What?? How dare you steal candy from a fat man!?!?!!!"

I told him that I'm just brave like that.
75% cocoa and above qualify as medicinal grade chocolate in this house. As long as it has nothing I'm allergic to (milk, soy, wheat, +) it's fair game. Break off a square, secure the remainder. Nibble a bit, let it melt slowwwwwy in the mouth. I can make that little square last a whole 5 or 10 minutes.

Even our cardiologist says we can have medicinal grade like this...

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