If I lick a chocolate bar....

Me too! I didn't eat it for years, it was the only dietary restriction that brought me to tears in the doc's office. I found out by trial and error (oh, the errors!) that 1) allergies and 2) quantity were the culprits. I also don't touch chocolate if I'm triggering off anything else.
Y'all are too funny.
I only ate five of the mini bars last night. And then I sat down and ate 1/2 a quart of strawberry sherbert.
If you lived close enough I'd pitch you the rest of the bag of these mini bars. I've eaten more than my fair share of them, trust me.
Hmmm Pixie sticks, I think a few small ones *tosses them over* I don't care for them personally, we call them kid crack... (I know, SO wrong!)

I've got Skittles, Dots (ick, who eats those things?!), Nerds, Milky Way regulars and Midnights, Snickers, Kitkats, Mr. Goody, Hershey Dark, Lollypops galore, some crayons, a blinkie pumpkin ring....

Notice all the Reese's are gone?

I. Just. Couldn't. Stop.

OH and I have a beef with the candy company....

What is WITH the Fun VS. Mini size?!?!

When I was a kid, Fun size is what was given at Halloween, about a 1/4 size of a full sized bar, it was about two bites and perfect. It was FUN. Now they have these "Mini" things...
They are so tiny they almost aren't worth the effort to open the wrapper. These are what make up the majority of my kids halloween candy this year. My problem? THEY MAKE ME EAT MORE OF THEM!!!
The fun size was satifying. These Mini's are freakin EVIL, you feel like you got jipped and now you need to make up for it. The next thing you know you've eaten 8 of them, which is like equivilent to more than a full sized candy bar.

Sneaky, sneaky!
dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate, but I'm not too fond of the taste of it.
Lucky for me, I run a lot (in cross-country/track) and I'm a Vegetarian, so I can eat chocolate without much worry. No matter how much I eat, I easily burn it off. And trust me I ate A LOT at camp one time (the food was so good! Better than at my school! They made homemade pudding, cheesecake, cookies, etc..)
At the end of camp, I think I gained a little wait, which is good for me because I'm a ittle underweight, but I didn't gain much because it was a sports camp.

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