If livestock eat grass from septic area will they get sick?


10 Years
Apr 17, 2009

I have a weird question...

I have goats and have an area where the water is seeping from the leech field (It's not a lot but there is always mud and puddles, I intend to fix soon).

If the goats eat the grass can they get sick? If one eats meat from an animal that has eaten (grass) from a septic area will the person get sick?

Sorry for the ignorant questions.

That's not an ignorant question at all. It's an interesting question. Unfortunately, I don't know the answer to it.

It does seem like a bad thing though. Is there any way you can put up some sort of temporary fencing to keep the goats off of this area until you can get the problem fixed? Or maybe move them to a different area? I do realize that goats are good jumpers and climbers...
When U spread manure around your tomato plants, is it possible to get sick from the tomatos?? I think that the goats will be fine...
ya know... the grass is always greener over the septic tank!
There was a story on 20/20 or Nightline a few years back. Some farmer was getting paid to dispose of the left over sludge from a water purifying type plant. He started spraying his crops with the sludge since it was basically manure. His neighbors didn't like it much, but I don't know that it hurt anyone. Gross, but I really don't think your goats will get sick from eating 'fertilized' grass. If someone else remembers this story and I have it wrong, please correct me.
If your leach field is leaking, that means it's failed or not set up properly. It shouldn't be allowing any water to surface. I don't think I'd let my critters drink or eat from it. Do you use chemicals, bleach, toilet cleaners, etc that makes up that water?
I thank you all for the answers. I'm trying to fix the problem. The only thing I see is the dirts is always muddy. I noticed the goats never get on the moist areas just eat the grass real close though. I want to fix my septic problem but it cost a bit of money. I do use bleach and detergents when washing clothes.

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