If u could only have 2 hens for eggs what would u choose?

I would pick RIR or Buff Orps. The reason for RIR first they are better egg production wise, sometime a Buff Orp will go Broody on you 2 or 3 weeks after she starts laying and there goes the egg production for a month or two.

Light Brahmas are good egg producers.
The hybrids like the Red- or Black-Sex-Links are bred for egg production and for docility. McMurray calls them Red Stars and Black Stars, and I have & love them both.
Love my Marans but if I could only have one breed for eggs and meat it would be my RIR's hands down.
NoelTate wrote:
I have fallen in love with turkens. They are unusual looking, very quiet, friendly, and mine have been egg laying factories.


How do you tell the Turken males from the females?

There were three Turkens in my mixed heavy rooster selection last summer that I grew for meat. I really liked them. They grew faster and bigger than most of the other heavy breeds. And they were tasty.

I never heard any of them crow.

One was quite a bit smaller than the other two, but its comb and wattles were similar in size and color. When I slaughtered it, I did not find testicles, but I did not find eggs either. Could it have been a female?

The main reason I ask is that I will probably order 25 roosters for meat use next summer, but if I can identify any females in the group, I will keep them for eggs and maybe breeding.


Carol in Minnesota​
I love my Delaware she is very quiet and friendly and has a fun personality (she comes when called) I only have one though so I'm not sure it's the breed of just her.

She is very winter hardy and loves to play in the snow.
I love my Delaware she is very quiet and friendly and has a fun personality (she comes when called) I only have one though so I'm not sure it's the breed of just her.

My Dels are like that, too. VERY friendly & I've not had one go broody.​
Yep. BO's, BR's and RIR or Wyandottes

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