If You Could Only Have 6 Chickens...

Well if you change the rules to only 6 per property... I am going to simply have to divide my property into subplots. For every rule... there has to be a loophole.
I have a double lot. That is my story and I'm sticking to it. I'm supposed to have 6, great neighbors on either side
If I had to have just 6,
BO, SS and EE.
I have a French Copper Marans, lost her sister to a Raccoon, and neither have much personality and were bullies.

First off I would have my landlord understand this:
6/6 = 100% and infinity/infinity = 100%
Therefore, infinity is equal to 6 and I can have as many hens as I want.

Hen = chickens and chickens = roosters, therefore roosters = hens and I can have roosters.

And with this clarification I now have no restraints.

But in all actuality, D'Uccles. Because I can. And I would just secretly let them spend a weekend to be 'watched' by a friend who has a matching rooster and then hatch and raise chicks in my basement and voila. Rule broken. Because bantams can be kept indoors and crow collars exist.
Coffee hasn't kicked in so need to think a bit longer on my answer. I'm very impressed by those of you trying to find loopholes in the simple thread question looking at you @Chickenaddition and @FlyWheel :lau:lau:lau:lau:lau
Actually I was not looking for a loophole in your thread, which gave me 6, but Clover city ordinances which only allow 4 (per property). So what I was trying to do was bring the two into line with each other. ;)
So, no rooster, eh? Then I don't have to think about "the size of the rooster must match the size of the hens". Plus, I want non-broody breeds, because brooding will be useless. So:

1 Araucana (blue eggs!)
1 Black Copper Marans (dark eggs!)
1 Legorn (white eggs! And so many of them!)
1 Barred Rock (that barring is just so cool, plus great personality, plus many eggs)
2 Wyandottes of different color (they are just so pretty).
Definitely a Speckled Sussex, a Barred Rock, for being friendly, good layers and pretty, a Swedish Flower for looks and hardiness. Then a black copper Marans, a Super Blue Egglayer and an EE for egg color.
Some of these breeds I have never had but uhh here’s my bantam flock
I wish I could pick more than 6...but I am a law abiding citizen

Porcelain silkie
Black mottled bantam Cochin
White frizzle Cochin bantam
Mille Fleur d’Uccle
Easter eggers bantam
Lavender Ameraucana bantam
I only have 7, so this is easy! :)
Cuckoo Marans (would possibly swap for a Black Copper Marans) - beautiful eggs
Speckled Sussex - great personality. Our "Bear" follows us around like a puppy.
Gold Laced Wyandotte - BEAUTIFUL hen
TWO Light Brahmas - I love them so 1 is not enough. They are big, beautiful, graceful GIANTS and consistent layers.
Orpington (I am partial to our Lavender Orp) - Big, hearty, and graceful with consistent laying and friendly personality
The very dilemma I am in at this moment! Just starting my first flock and want to stay at 6 to start and trying to decide which breeds has been hard. So far I am absolutely getting 2 Barnevelder and 2 Light Sussex...if I had to commit today I would finish up with a Barred Rock and a Rhode Island Red but oh there are so many good choices!
Coffee hasn't kicked in so need to think a bit longer on my answer. I'm very impressed by those of you trying to find loopholes in the simple thread question looking at you @Chickenaddition and @FlyWheel :lau:lau:lau:lau:lau

@PouleChick yes a simple thread question.... but limiting down to six chickens from all the chicken options out there... is not simple at all. The only reason I even thought of my first loophole which was that each family member gets to choose their six is because we are in that situation right now.

For our Mixed Flock we are going to keep it around 12 each person gets to choose 3-4 chickens to into the mixed flock. (very similar to the thread)

I cheated because then I am going to create a breeding flock for genetics with my son (allowing me to breed one of my favorites). Go go Loophole!:celebrate

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