If you had to live off just the food in your house...

Um... I use mylar's and o2 absorbers for my long term storage dry goods......... My wetpack will get me for a couple months alone.. That's a reduced household (for me) 4 kids, plus me and the wife. Dry goods will boost me another year and a half, and my forage on the land is good. Lots of berry bushes (blueberry, raspberry, blackberry) plus apples, crab apples..... Walnut trees, and lots of white oak trees (think the good tasting acorns that you can grind into flour!) plus all the squirrels and deer in the area congregate by the acorns......

Only thing I am worried about is the zombies.. and me thinks they prolly taste jes fine with some bbq sauce.
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I would say a few months,but water would be an issue as I do not have filtering set up to consume rain water. I have lots of beans,nuts,flours,and jams.Oh and canned veggies/soups. Amazing what all you can roll up in a crepe.

I just got finished reading THE DEAD AND THE GONE by Susan Beth PFEFFER. Meteor hits the moon,knocks it into a closer orbit,and changes our weather. In the story it all came down to the food.People traded ANYTHING for food.

It seems radical but it just makes good sense to stock the food like you are supposed to have a emergency money fund. I have to do better myself.
If we had to rely on only whats here right now- meaning we would eat whatever is in the cupboard, I think we would run out in three days. Times are very tight, and with feeding five of us plus two stray kids that I have 'adopted' (they arent really adopted but they rather be here than wherever they come from), we havent been able to actually do real grocery shopping in quite awhile.
Right now, the stuff in the cabinet is the stuff that nobody really likes. The cans that get left behind...lol. There is rice and noodles, however.

And if I was relying on the chickens for eggs...well...it would be nice if they would actually LAY an egg (darn broody silkies)...
Im picking up a side of beef today-so Im including that..Id have to go get milk and such every week.

2-3 months on whats canned and already bought in house?
Nothing like a well stocked kitchen, you bet!
I have been cutting back from going to the grocery store and we've been living off what we have at home, with the exception of a few trips a month for dairy or small items needed for a recipe, etc. This morning, I went in to re-stock. Holy Cow things have gone up
and since it is the first of the month, the grocery store was CRAZY!
Glad I made it home and I don't plan to return any time soon. A question I have is: Do you stock up on personal supplies (toilet paper, toothpaste, etc.) as you are buying your groceries?
Yes I do stock up on tolietries and laundry soaps. Have to use coupons.

Sometimes I can not go offbrand to buy stuff otherwise it would be wasteful because they just don't taste like the same thing. Like Miracle Whip...the generic does not taste like it...bleck!

Or some soups...

Paper towels and toliet papers, yep, one is Wally brand and Charamain is the one we use. With the generic, we use MORE TP than we normally use for the expensive brand and found out that it cost us just as the same as brand name but have to use twice as much. Not much savings here.

Sellect a size, Bounty, I love those so I experiment with Wally brand select a size....I loved it! So wally brand will get my budget going as well.

Size, and most of all tastes matter alot to me. I'd rather not waste something that I know we will EAT even it would cost a bit more but that is less waste and more digestion going on than going to the chicken garbage.

Canned tomato paste, I buy all kinds...taste the same to me and they all end up in soups, chilis and sauces.

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