If you have an Australian shepherd or German shepherd and you are utterly in love with them, post he

Here is another picture of our House Princess, Freyja ... allowing the lap-rat to share her couch.

And here she is, falling asleep with a good book ...



Couch hog
As house dogs we have had one German Shepherd, 3 Goldens, one poodle and one Shepherd/Malamute cross - all this over the span of 50 years. In addition to this I have had numerous beagles. Rhon the German Shepherd male died over 40 years ago, and I still miss him. He was by far the grandest animal that I have ever known.
In order, that is Sheriff Andy Taylor, Sadie Mae McLintock, Tigger, and Deputy Barney Fife. Andy and Barney are littermates. They have been attacked by their neighbor's gsds on more than one occasion. Singe is the only GSD that they aren't terrified of. They have known Singe since he was 4 months old.

Tigger is a puppy mill rescue. When we are in hotels, Tigg is the burglar alarm and Singe is the muscle.

Sadie is the newest member of the brat pack. And, as the only girl, she rules the roost! She is Barney's sister.

Singe is super protective of all of his little buddies.

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