If your chickens could speak, what would they have said to you today?

This morning while I was out supervising free ranging, the girls and I watched a herd of deer gallop through the backyard, followed by a huge coyote. One girl, who survived a coyote attack earlier this summer, yelled "COYOOOOOTEEEEEEEEEEEE!" and took off for home like she had a jet pack. The others (who missed the earlier coyote attack) were like "What was that? Why are those deer running? What's that big furry thing with them? Why is Mom yelling at us to follow her NOW, we've only been out for 20 minutes! Mom! Stop shoving us towards home! Quit it! I want to eat grass and keep digging for worms! Mom!! Ugh, all right, we're coming... But there'd better be treats for us!"
Look what we did!


Bright Blessings!
Hey! Hey, everyone! Watch what happens when I walk through this feed pan and track beet juice all over the nice clean shavings in the coop! The feed lady is gonna be frantic looking for which one of us cut ourselves! It'll be great!
"I'd like to KNOW...WHERE...MY TOMATOES AND WATERMELON ARE! WHERE ARE THEY? IIIIIII don't LIKE bananas and spinach and I don't want to have to tell YOU AGAIN!"
Of course tomorrow they'll love bananas and spinach.
Jajaja mi younger chick would say " mama ,mama" he always peeps harder and runs to me when he sees me

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