Ill Rhode Island Red Hen

Jul 26, 2017
One of my three rhode island reds is ill. She is between 3 and 5 years old. She (as well as the other rhode island reds) has stopped laying eggs. Her comb was pale but has started regaining colour. She is eating and drinking but has a small appetite. She is always very tired and sits in the run with her eyes closed, standing up. She lacks energy and cannot make it up steps but can walk around freely. Her poo is quite runny. Please help!!!

If you have any ideas at all please reply!
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3 and 5 years old...stopped laying eggs. Her comb was pale but has started regaining colour...eating and drinking but has a small appetite...always very tired and sits in the run with her eyes closed, standing up

Can you post some photos of how she stands and of her poop?
Any bloat, swelling or feeling of fluid in the abdomen?

At her age, and by your description, it sounds like she may have an internal laying/reproductive disorder like Egg Yolk Peritonitis, cancer, tumors, Salpingitis or Ascites.

Taking a fecal sample to your vet for testing of worm and cocci overload would be a good idea, just to rule those out.

Try to keep her hydrated, offer poultry vitamins and see if she will eat for you.

Where in the world are you??... it really helps if you put your location on your profile page so that we can see at a glance each time you post and therefore have an idea of your climatic conditions and seasons..... Excessive heat can cause them to stop laying and have runny poop and make them weary.

Have you checked her over physically for any injuries or abnormalities?.... particularly her crop and abdomen for excessive swelling and any unusual/bad smells. When do your girls normally moult?.... I have some shedding feathers now and that can make them under the weather and obviously stop laying.... are you seeing feathers in the run and coop?
Another option would be egg bound, if she has been laying recently. Sometimes as they get towards the end of their cycle, their body gets low on nutrients to make hard shells and the produce a shell less egg that is very hard for them to pass. That will make them exhibit these symptoms too. Does she look like she is panting and her vent pulsing? A soak in warm Epsom salts bath and perhaps a lubed, gloved finger inserted into the vent a couple of inches and gently worked around to try to ease the constriction may help together with a direct dose of calcium.... a tums tablet crushed onto some scrambled egg will help with contactions as well as shell quality for future eggs.... it might be a good idea to assess their diet and see if perhaps they are getting too many treats which means that they eat less of their layer ration which has the calcium they need..... not always the case but it happens all to easily because we love to treat out chickens.... so it's important to take stock every once in a while and be firm with ourselves as well as out chickens.

I hope this has given you some ideas as to what may be wrong and how to progress. Good luck with her


She always sits like this. At the moment it is raining and is 17 degrees. We are in summer

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