
Just for you to see how Phoe is.

Shes at about 95% at being a decent mother. She'll get there. Unfortunately being in so much darkness has brought on an early molt. I have silkie feathers everywhere!
Just for you to see how Phoe is.View attachment 1887827
Shes at about 95% at being a decent mother. She'll get there. Unfortunately being in so much darkness has brought on an early molt. I have silkie feathers everywhere!
It took me a moment to realize Phoenix was in a plastic tote. At 1st I thought it was an unusual broody fog. (You know.... Like the pregnancy fog when 1/2 your brain cells take a vacation, your IQ drops, and you forget everything.) Of course, it might explain a few things about Phoe.

Don't worry about the molt. It's actually very common and a good thing. It's nature's way of cleaning up the hen after sitting so long without dust-bathing and then having chicks poop all over her. It's not like she's going to be laying eggs for the next 4-6 weeks, so might as well get the annual molt over with.

I'm glad to hear that she's finally accepting her motherly role, but she doesn't look very happy about it. What an angry-grumpy expression!
I'm glad to hear that she's finally accepting her motherly role, but she doesn't look very happy about it. What an angry-grumpy expression!
I know right? Like she really wanted this and now gosh darn it, they keep me awake half the night!:lau

The cinnamon one likes to play on her back and run around her. The white one is more reserved. I haven't really held them much so Phoe could just get used to them and not be disturbed.

They just started spending time outside on the front porch in the open cat carrier. Yesterday she was showing them how to eat a daddy long leg.
BTW- My flock decided that my "last hatch" of the year was merely a suggestion.

1. Crystal (laced orp) decided to try going broody again, so I left her in the tractor. (We normally escort them to/from the coop daily.) The laced orps must now climb over Crystal in the tractor's nest box in order to lay their eggs..... which she quickly steals.

2. Smudge was finally laying well, but spending a lot of time in the coop. Now she's just in there 24/7. It's been about a week since her last egg and she keeps taking over the fav nest box.

3. PR already went broody this year and raised her chicks. She's hogging another nest box and singing back up when Smudge does her broody screech & grumbles.
my broodies are starting on their 2nd round. .
2 are in one dog house and keep stealing each others eggs. 3 have broke, hope a couple of the 7 left make it to the 29th.
Another, in a different coop, decided she didn't like her coop any more. Even though she has had 3 batches in there. She went over to the main coop and thought she could take over the fav box. However at night another broody takes her babies to that box... The first night she was run out and went back and roosted in her coop. Last night she kept fighting so I locked here in a box in her coop. Dog crates make a great next box :ya

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