
I went looking for a missing poult. He was there this morning when I let the 3 out. Found snoodless, (he lost his snood fighting with a hatch mate) dead in with the older turkey poults. I think the jakes killed him. :hit:mad:
I had been hoping to integrate them before winter. The 3 youngest poults were in with some chickens with a 3' fence in-between them... for a month or so.. it's not like they never seen them. Infact the older sometimes visit:rant
Figures it's one that had a name.
I went looking for a missing poult. He was there this morning when I let the 3 out. Found snoodless, (he lost his snood fighting with a hatch mate) dead in with the older turkey poults. I think the jakes killed him. :hit:mad:
I had been hoping to integrate them before winter. The 3 youngest poults were in with some chickens with a 3' fence in-between them... for a month or so.. it's not like they never seen them. Infact the older sometimes visit:rant
Figures it's one that had a name.
So sorry.

My night was not that bad, but we do have a very strong musk smell in the backyard. Not sure if a chicken got sprayed, but the coop was very ripe.

Before that, DD took the dog for a walk and got stung by a bee - on her neck! Yikes!
It swelled up quickly as they do, and she said her throat felt a bit swollen. I did not see a stinger but quickly gave her some benadryll, hydrocortizone cream, and ice. Thankfully we didn't need a trip to the ER.
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So sorry.

My night was not that bad, but we do have a very strong musk smell in the backyard. Not sure if a chicken got sprayed, but the coop was very ripe.

Before that, DD took the dog for a walk and got stung by a bee - on her neck! Yikes!
It swelled up quickly as they do, and she said her throat felt a bit swollen. I did not see a stinger but quickly gave her some benadryll, hydrocortizone cream, and ice. Thankfully we didn't need a trip to the ER.
Glad she is ok
Glad she is ok
Me Too! It was scary. I took pics to compare so I could see if swelling was increasing or decreasing.
Looking at this you can see why I was thinking about going to the ER

20 min after Benadryll & hydrocortizone cream it looked much less angry.

After that we enjoyed a nice burger dinner. i baked myself a cake today. (Why should everyone else get good cakes & I have to suffer with a grocery store one?) It was a 4 layer chocolate torte with choc cream cheese frosting between the layers and ganache over the top. It was so rich we only ate 1/4 and brought the cake around to all the neighbors.


IMG_9625 (3).JPG

Then I enjoyed some self-opening presents....
So far we have 2 laced and one lav orp.
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Me Too! It was scary. I took pics to compare so I could see if swelling was increasing or decreasing.
Looking at this you can see why I was thinking about going to the ER
View attachment 1903763
20 min after Benadryll & hydrocortizone cream it looked much less angry.View attachment 1903764

After that we enjoyed a nice burger dinner. i baked myself a cake today. (Why should everyone else get good cakes & I have to suffer with a grocery store one?) It was a 4 layer chocolate torte with choc cream cheese frosting between the layers and ganache over the top. It was so rich we only ate 1/4 and brought the cake around to all the neighbors.

View attachment 1903765
View attachment 1903766

Then I enjoyed some self-opening presents....
So far we have 2 laced and one lav orp.
View attachment 1903770 View attachment 1903771
Sting looking better
How is it today?

Great looking cake
Love the self opening presents
After that we enjoyed a nice burger dinner. i baked myself a cake today. (Why should everyone else get good cakes & I have to suffer with a grocery store one?)
I hear you. I throw my own party and baked my own cake this year. My birthday is on the 4th of July. If we'r don't host the party, I end up at somebody else's house being sung "happy birthday" by a group of people I only know half of. Is awkward. At least I know everybody when I host the party.
Baking my own cake is just a result of being cheap and the culinary talented one.
I hear you. I throw my own party and baked my own cake this year. My birthday is on the 4th of July. If we'r don't host the party, I end up at somebody else's house being sung "happy birthday" by a group of people I only know half of. Is awkward. At least I know everybody when I host the party.
Baking my own cake is just a result of being cheap and the culinary talented one.
DH had to catch up on work and is under a lot of pressure. Not a big deal for me to wait so we can celebrate together as a family when his schedule allows. (I've never been one to get caught up in dates. As long as the love is there, gifts & parties can wait.)

I normally bake all the cakes, but of course on Mother's Day, the kids attempted to bake a cake for me.

One year I got this:
.... and a messy kitchen to clean up.

Because I said I loved it, the next year I got this:
Notice the little nibble from the corners?

DH called this my "penance cake." Purple was just not an appetizing color for frosting. LOL
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