
Started moving some chicks in with their mamas today. (2 whites & a black went in last night and were already bonded by this morning. I didn't get their pics)

Here are 3 seramas (1 white, 1 golden chipmunk, & 1 light chipmunk)
IMG_0457 (2).JPG

5 silver laced (the 2 white recessive were also from my laced group)
IMG_0459 (2).JPG

3 black/lav split orps (one blk was already with mama)
IMG_9663 (2).JPG

One blue orp
IMG_9666 (2).JPG

3 lav orps
IMG_9669 (2).JPG
I am convinced we are getting turkey eggs. I don't have pics right now. I pulled out the egg tray yesterday and was moving the eggs up to make room in the back of the tray (we organize them oldest to newest). As I was moving them I realized there's three very pointed eggs. They are speckled, but so are some of our chicken eggs. The narrow, long, pointed shape is not like a chicken egg though. I haven't seen a turkey lay an egg yet, but these really do look like turkey eggs. They are laying right in the nest boxes though with the chickens, which surprises me. One of our nest boxes is large because I wanted to allow the birds to have a community nest. It's like a bunch of ladies at the hair salon chatting away when 3 or hens get in there :lau.
Regardless, WE HAVE TURKEY EGGS!:celebrate:woot

@Molpet check it out.
Did they hatch in March? I don't think turkeys can lay much before 5-6 months. Because days are getting shorter, it's more likely they'll start laying early spring 2020. Mine were goofy & started in January...... so I guess it's not impossible either.

The turkey & chicken eggs look a lot alike. Turkey shells are thicker. (I do know that a 7' drop can sometimes crack them, though. :p )
@Molpet , @Faraday40 and anybody else who is interested in figuring out if I have turkey eggs earlier than expected, here are some pics.

Potential turkey eggs on the top and bottom. Definite chicken egg in tge center for comparison.

Three potential turkey eggs on the left. Definite chicken egg on the right for comparison.

Three potential turkey eggs.

One of the potential turkey eggs in my hand.
x2 I agree.

My orps don't usually have speckles on their eggs. Once in a while I may see some - but smaller & not that much of a contrast.
I know the Orp eggs. These are definitely not then. Its either the blk from @Molpet , or it could be that our Speckled Sussex or GLW are laying odd shaped eggs - one of them has always produced a speckled egg but never so pointy.
Egg-citing news. DS's little chicken 'Coge' made her 1st little egg today. (19 weeks old) Crazy little bird kept escaping the back yard & wandering through the garage. I ended up locking her up in a temp coop with some 1-2 month old chicks because I got tired of throwing her back over the fence. We found a tiny egg in there, so it had to be her. It's almost 1" long. So cute!

Millie - her Leghorn hatchmate - shows no signs of starting.

Tillie (last year's Leghorn) started laying in mid Sept & has never missed a day since. Of course she also liked to hop the fence & deposit her eggs in our screened room. Why is it that only DS's birds fly the fence to lay their eggs in strange places?

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