
Catching up here. Hope everybody is doing well.

This cold snap is no fun. And looks like we are going to warm up and then drop right back down again by the weekend. My tomatoes in the greenhouse got a bit of frost damage last night because I forgot I unplugged and replugged the heater, resetting the controller and didn't set it back to keep things at 60F. It's corrected now, but damage is done. The plants were fairly large and looks like just some leaf damage - hoping they rebound.

On the poultry front, predators have been relentless here. More holes in our netting - it's basically destroyed. I'm thinking about building a framed in chicken run sheathed with wire. The girls would get a new coop then too. The shed might have to go though to accomplish this... still thinking it through.
Catching up here. Hope everybody is doing well.

This cold snap is no fun. And looks like we are going to warm up and then drop right back down again by the weekend. My tomatoes in the greenhouse got a bit of frost damage last night because I forgot I unplugged and replugged the heater, resetting the controller and didn't set it back to keep things at 60F. It's corrected now, but damage is done. The plants were fairly large and looks like just some leaf damage - hoping they rebound.

On the poultry front, predators have been relentless here. More holes in our netting - it's basically destroyed. I'm thinking about building a framed in chicken run sheathed with wire. The girls would get a new coop then too. The shed might have to go though to accomplish this... still thinking it through.
How's the tomatoes doing now?

Not knowing how much room you have...i would keep the shed for isolation if nothing else.
How's the tomatoes doing now?

Not knowing how much room you have...i would keep the shed for isolation if nothing else.
There's not a great isolation area - not enough room. The shed is the current coop and would need to go if I am to build a new one. I do have the greenhouse though. That could double as an isolation area for chickens when I don't have seedling going if needed.
I finished planting onions yesterday and now working on potatoes.
Good luck. I'm young and MY back hurts after doing potatoes. This year I tilled, raked the dirt too one side, set the potatoes in and then covered them with using a shovel.
I used to till, mound the dirt, and then plant in individual holes - that is too much kneeling, crawling and digging.
How's the tomatoes doing now?
I was afraid to say anything about the tomatoes without checking on them first. They are doing very well considering several were looking pretty rough and wilted the last two days. All of them are perked back up. There are some leaves that sustained frost damage, but the plants will all be alright it looks like. Turns out they just needed a good drink to perk back up.

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