
and my maybe new next door neighbor has bee hives, such a plus

My neighbor 2 doors down has bees, and they are on my bucket list...

I have done the research on keeping them over the last year and will probably attempt a single hive next spring and see how it goes, that is if I can stop the wife from rolling her eyes every time I bring it up...
My neighbor 2 doors down has bees, and they are on my bucket list...

I have done the research on keeping them over the last year and will probably attempt a single hive next spring and see how it goes, that is if I can stop the wife from rolling her eyes every time I bring it up...

I wanted some so badly but my preggos father is alergic to them so her mother claims anyone related to him can't be around bees
If you ever get to the point that you actually want to rehome her let me know so I can keep her till you miss her and then give her back
[COLOR=333333]We have a Coro Sussex & lav orp mix. My son named the chick "MINE." Later he named her "Nemo". She's used to being handled by young kids & may even enjoy it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Nemo's over 5 months now & just got home from a bike ride. :lau [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]I keep trying to rehome her but every time I prepare myself, the kids go & do something so outrageously funny. Who takes a chicken on a bike ride???? Just imagine a little boy with training wheels going up & down the sidewalk with a full-sized chicken on the handlebars. [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Other than constantly being underfoot & begging for attention, she's a pretty good chicken. Still waiting for that 1st egg. (Because of her genetics, I'll likely be waiting a while.) It's getting less likely that we'll be able to part with this mutt. I have a feeling we'll have many stories to share about this one. [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR]
awwww as cute as your son is with her you have to keep her.
It is trapping season for raccoon now. It is the best time to get rid of it before he come back and kill again. Don't worry there are plenty of raccoon out there.
I wanted some so badly but my preggos father is alergic to them so her mother claims anyone related to him can't be around bees
I think u should do some research to prove that reasoning is incorrect. My father was allergic but I am not. Plus it's healthier to eat honey from local hives.
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awwww as cute as your son is with her you have to keep her.

Yes. That's why she's still here.

We hatched some eggs from 2 fav chickens to see how they turned out. The chicks were mixes, but all looked like lav orps.

We also have her sister, "Sweetie." She is actually bigger, fluffier, rounder, & just as docile. I have video of DD clucking & walking around the house with Sweetie (1-2 week old chick) running behind her. I have the same problem with Sweetie. We SHOULD rehome her. She's a mix- but just too lovable & so darn pretty.

Here's Sweetie. She's not even posing & looks good.
I think u should do some research to prove that reasoning is incorrect. My father was allergic but I am not. Plus it's healthier to eat honey from local hives.

See the problem with that is the people here don't care about reasoning and research no matter if I have the proof in hand she will still say I'm probably wrong (she's one of those people that are just stuck in their ways) thank you for the advice though
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Yes. That's why she's still here.:idunno We hatched some eggs from 2 fav chickens to see how they turned out. The chicks were mixes, but all looked like lav orps. We also have her sister, "Sweetie." She is actually bigger, fluffier, rounder, & just as docile. I have video of DD clucking & walking around the house with Sweetie (1-2 week old chick) running behind her. I have the same problem with Sweetie. We SHOULD rehome her. She's a mix- but just too lovable & so darn pretty. Here's Sweetie. She's not even posing & looks good.
It is trapping season for raccoon now. It is the best time to get rid of it before he come back and kill again. Don't worry there are plenty of raccoon out there.
He did come back last night and BROKE INTO CLOSED aviary.. Killed all remaining pigeons and ate just 2 of them. Other 2 I'm in the process of burying now. Headless.
This is really a SAD day for me.................. All 7 gone for good.

They are just a memory now......

Now I have to fortify my chicken coop,

That plastic is no match for their teeth....

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