
OH MY! That's horrible!
I wish there was something I could say or do to help.
I'm so very sorry for your tragic loss.
I'm sorry sorry for your losses. I hope you can protect the rest of your birds.

For everyone here on the Illinois thread who has been following the six chicks I was given by Faraday40 we had a very tragic day here three days ago and sadly we lost three of the six to cocci. For those of you who dont know this is our first year with chickens and this was my first experience with cocci. We rushed to the feed store after reading about it not even sure it was cocci at that point but it was my best guess. We left for the store after the second died and got home with the medicine quickly. We were however too late for the third one who passed in my arms that evening. It was very fast for them all they were perfectly fine the night before then boom they were gone. I'm going to miss them all very much. Their three sisters are still with us and looking much better. I'm keeping a very close eye on them and we have been pushing a raw egg yolk concoction that I dreamed up.(raw egg yolk with part of an electrolyte packet and a couple drops of corid and then mix it all together and strong feed) last night the girls started eating moistened chick starter crumbles on their own again. Before that I had only seen them pick at dry crumbles and eat a bit of scrambled and hard boiled eggs. I have hope for them now and I hope you'll stock with us through their recovery and continued growth. Sadly we lost both the ccl mixes(Juliet and Romeo) and the little black orp cockeral chick(Mercucio). I will miss them all very much.
Here are some photos taken a couple days before they died in memory of the ones lost and in hope for the three little(think they're all pullets) girls remaining.

This is little Juliet with her crest(RIP baby girl)

Little Romeo such a ham I'm gunna miss you buddy(RIP little man)

Little Mercucio I'm sorry sweet baby boy(RIP)

He is in the fore ground of this picture while in the back you can clearly see Ella and Jasmine two of the babies still with us.


Here's little Ella again(the one with the light down around her eyes) she is the one of the three we still have that's been the sickest. The other little one is Cinder who we also still have. She hasn't seemed ill at all.
He did come back last night and BROKE INTO CLOSED aviary.. Killed all remaining pigeons and ate just 2 of them. Other 2 I'm in the process of burying now. Headless.
This is really a SAD day for me.................. All 7 gone for good.

They are just a memory now......

Now I have to fortify my chicken coop,

That plastic is no match for their teeth....

I am so sorry, that is just horrible. Sending hugs
I'm sorry sorry for your losses. I hope you can protect the rest of your birds.

For everyone here on the Illinois thread who has been following the six chicks I was given by Faraday40 we had a very tragic day here three days ago and sadly we lost three of the six to cocci. For those of you who dont know this is our first year with chickens and this was my first experience with cocci. We rushed to the feed store after reading about it not even sure it was cocci at that point but it was my best guess. We left for the store after the second died and got home with the medicine quickly. We were however too late for the third one who passed in my arms that evening. It was very fast for them all they were perfectly fine the night before then boom they were gone. I'm going to miss them all very much. Their three sisters are still with us and looking much better. I'm keeping a very close eye on them and we have been pushing a raw egg yolk concoction that I dreamed up.(raw egg yolk with part of an electrolyte packet and a couple drops of corid and then mix it all together and strong feed) last night the girls started eating moistened chick starter crumbles on their own again. Before that I had only seen them pick at dry crumbles and eat a bit of scrambled and hard boiled eggs. I have hope for them now and I hope you'll stock with us through their recovery and continued growth. Sadly we lost both the ccl mixes(Juliet and Romeo) and the little black orp cockeral chick(Mercucio). I will miss them all very much.
Here are some photos taken a couple days before they died in memory of the ones lost and in hope for the three little(think they're all pullets) girls remaining.

This is little Juliet with her crest(RIP baby girl)

Little Romeo such a ham I'm gunna miss you buddy(RIP little man)

Little Mercucio I'm sorry sweet baby boy(RIP)

He is in the fore ground of this picture while in the back you can clearly see Ella and Jasmine two of the babies still with us.

Here's little Ella again(the one with the light down around her eyes) she is the one of the three we still have that's been the sickest. The other little one is Cinder who we also still have. She hasn't seemed ill at all.

I am so sorry for your losses. If they are not eating or drinking, I put the corid in their water and then gave a least a half a dropper (which I got at Walgreens) to my chicks 4 times a day for 2-3 days or until they were drinking on their own. My partridge wasn't eating or drinking at all, so I would pry open her little mouth while she sat on my lap and my daughter would slowly squeeze the medicine dropper. She was definitely knocking on deaths door, and I was very surprised she pulled through. Good luck and hope everyone else makes it through ok.

It seems to have been a very rough year for quite a few of us on this thread. Time for a change, I say.
He did come back last night and BROKE INTO CLOSED aviary.. Killed all remaining pigeons and ate just 2 of them. Other 2 I'm in the process of burying now. Headless.
This is really a SAD day for me.................. All 7 gone for good.

They are just a memory now......

Now I have to fortify my chicken coop,

That plastic is no match for their teeth....
You better find someone to trap it. It will be back and try and get your chickens. A coon can get in a 3 in dia hole. Just warning you now.
You better find someone to trap it. It will be back and try and get your chickens. A coon can get in a 3 in dia hole. Just warning you now.
The problem with Chicago, it is illegal to trap a wild animal or even to set traps. So you have to be careful. Animal control won't come out and set traps unless its in your house.

@cavemanrich We had a raccoon move into our side porch ceiling that my husband just put up (this was way before chickens). He hadn't put up the vent cover which was all of a 3in x 6in space. The coon moved in and had 4 babies. We borrowed a trap and I saw her on the roof one nite so I ran in and got a can of tuna. Talked her down and put the tuna in the trap, she went right in. Left her in there til the next afternoon while I gathered up 3 Rubbermaid bins with lids for the babies. We did let them go, but she was so scared she took off without even worrying about the babies. Needless to say, we never saw them again.
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Thank you they are eating and seem to be drinking well now so I'm very hopeful.

Hopefully they make a full recovery. I also wanted to say that I agree it has been a rough year. For my family and flock alone it seems like its been one thing after another most of them being freak accidents and then these three to cocci. From the time we got our chicks last spring we have lost 6 chicks/roos(including the three to cocci) had a pullet that a soft-shelled egg broke inside her, had another pullet slice and peel back half her toe pad, and then the other three sick from cocci. It's been quite the year.

It was a while back now but if you're interested you should look in southern WI there were some pigeons for sale a while back on CL. Idk if they're still on there but it may be worth a shot.
THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR KIND MESSAGES. and thank you chickendreams24 for the pigeon availability info. . I will wait until spring time, to get more pigeons. In the meantime, I closed off the access from aviary into loft. My chickens are going inside for the winter as soon as temperatures drop below freezing. They share the loft area with the pigeons all winter, and live in harmony together. The chickens do not have access to the aviary. They are safe inside with the port door secured. Now I'm SUPER CLEANING the whole loft. I want it to feel like a fresh start. Again, thanks everyone.

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