
I thought I would put a picture up of the above mentioned Brahmas that I would like to sell.

This is the breeding pair- black laced red cock, blue laced red hen. Year and half old- about half the offspring will be of either color. They are the same 'project'.

Item of note: disregard the silkie in the bottom pictures.

I just moved not long ago from cook county. The answer is three....
Downtown Chicago area is really strict. Outlying areas not so much. And if you got a notice, you have a nosy neighbor more than like. Talk to your neighbors, get agreement, explain what you have, don't have a rooster, get some neighborly compliance. And just call the city. Most of the details can usually be figured out that way because most of cook county allows chickens. And they may not be considered "pets" which can get you out of that ruling. Good luck dear!

Hi everybody. I'm just catching up on this thread, so forgive me if this has already been addressed.

For the City of Chicago... I believe there are no rules re the numbers of chickens you can keep. Roosters ARE allowed. Unless you have neighbors who complain about noise or unsanitary conditions... There should be no limits at all.

I currently have eight hens (5 of my original 6 and three new pullets from Belmont Feed and Seed) and I kinda thinking a gorgeous gentle rooster might be a good addition. Lots of hawks this fallLast February I met a couple with 16 hens and three goats who were planning on adding a miniature cow in the spring.

There are areas of "downtown Chicago" where chickens might not have enough space... Mine have around 110 sq ft of secure space and a huge yard where they have spent most of their time eating mulberries, insects and whatever parts of my food garden the goofy squirrels don't eat.

All in all, Chicago seems to have fewer restrictions than the suburbs or many rural communities.

Moving on to read the rest!
I have read the same information SixChicFlock has given. No limit on chickens and rooster are acceptable. I am on the south side of Chicago,( Mt. Greenwood) there are a number of us over here with backyard chickens. I have also been told that someone in the neighborhood has a bovine cow. I just started my flock in April of this year and am loving it and them! So glad I am able to raise chickens and feed my grandchildren organic eggs.
I am continually amazed at what my girls tell me... This morning they pointed out the the hanging waterer had iced over. A couple short kicks and they were drinking again.

This will be my first chicken winter. What has everyone up north done to winterize their coops?
It is great to see so much activity here!
Hello and welcome to the new members! Many of the "state threads" are very busy but ours has always been rather inactive..........maybe we can change that now that there are so many of us!

I'm happy to hear there are those of you in the City of Chicago that are taking advantage of the ability to have chickens, including a rooster!!

I'll re-introduce myself:
My name is Mary. BYC name NotAFarm is from my DH reminding me constantly that "This is NOT a farm!" whenever I want to get things like Icelandic sheep, a milking goat, etc.
I am a daughter, sister, wife, mother and grandmother that works a part-time job and full-time here at home.

I live in rural Lee County (west of I-39, south of I-88 and north of I-80) on 4 acres that have "covenants".
I'm "technically" not allowed "livestock" except horses but have had my flock since 2007 (and so does another of the residents of my area) and my neighbors (each on 2.5 or more acres) have not complained.
My flock consists of Icelandics (10 adults and 13 youngsters hatched this year) with two German New Hampshire hens, one Araucana hen and two blue Barnevelder pullets (for now....right, junibutt?!). I've had Muscovy ducks, bronze, mottled, red bourbon and white midget turkeys in the past but settled on my flock of chickens as the best match for me.

Here is our place, photo taken October 21. The trees are shagbark hickories. My coop is in the right end of the barn/shed. You can see the hoop-run, just in front of the pickup, that the youngsters occupy.

I hope we can keep this thread active!
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I am continually amazed at what my girls tell me... This morning they pointed out the the hanging waterer had iced over. A couple short kicks and they were drinking again.

This will be my first chicken winter. What has everyone up north done to winterize their coops?

My first winter with chickens too! There are a million other threads on winterizing and been feverishly reading. I just wrapped my run with shower curtains and added some battery operated light strings on a timer so they have some light from 6-8ish. I also found an aquarium heater at pet smart on clearance I plan on putting in a bucket once I get my act together and put the water nipples in the bucket. I've got straw waiting to add when to the coop/run once it dips down. I'm a little confused on if they need it in the run as well as the coop, I was just going to see what happens. I also bought a humidity/temperature thingy that records the highs and lows so I can keep track of how high the humidity is.
Nothing different done in the winter here, other than plug in dog water bowls to keep the water unfroze. Main objective is keep the birds out of the coops to keep my feed going into my chickens, instead of the black birds and starlings.

My coop is 3 sided, completely open to the south. With a dirt floor.
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