
Just for the sake of argument, I don't and will never support a 'war on drugs' as it's a war that has never, will not and can not be won... It's a war that history has proven time and time again only ends in violence and continued extended criminal activities, all the while drug use continues...

One can read the history of the 18th Amendment and substitute 'drug' for 'alcohol' and the narrative is identical, but at least in that case people faced the reality of the failure...

Instead I support a policy of regulation, education and an out in the open medical support system to help curb use and abuse...

The sad reality is that the current war and policy has made it easier for minors (and even adults to) obtain prohibited drugs like marijuana, crack, meth, heroin, and cocaine then it is for them to legally buy a beer, a pack of smokes or even allergy medication, and that is simply pound your head on a brick wall backwards...
So proud of my Orpington roos today! While I was outside cleaning up the yard, one of the roos made the predator alarm call. The hens immediately ran into the coop/run & I saw the small hawk flying low & fast. The roo however did not go inside with the hens. He remained standing out in the open 1/2 way between a pine tree & the safety of the run area. "Dumb bird!" I thought. Because the hawk was still nearby, I went to the garage & got a cap gun to make some noise. When I returned, I noticed that our tiny Sebright was in the pine tree. I didn't notice her before, but my roo did! SHE was the reason the roo stayed outside. He was actually waiting for her. I put out my arm, she jumped on, & I brought her into the run. The roo ran along beside me. For the next 2 hours, the roos kept the girls inside the run.

I found it strange that the roo would risk his safety for the Sebright. She's too small for the roos to mate & they seem to view her as a little nuisance. (They don't give her the attention & treats like their hens, but they won't let anyone peck at her either.)
My bantam orp (Cookie) was screeching at me again this morning. At this point I'm not sure if she's thinking about going broody, AGAIN, or if it's my own wishful thinking. So far we've had a mild winter with only 5-7 nights of -10 to -20'F. Today it's a balmy 35'F with sunshine and no wind! It feels like spring. My LF lav orps are laying those clean, perfectly shaped eggs for incubation. Such a waste to eat them. Now I see pics of adorable chicks on the screen in front of me. Perhaps it's not Cookie but me going broody. Is that possible?

If my little "Cookie Monster" decides to go full broody I'll let you know.
My bantam orp (Cookie) was screeching at me again this morning. At this point I'm not sure if she's thinking about going broody, AGAIN, or if it's my own wishful thinking. So far we've had a mild winter with only 5-7 nights of -10 to -20'F. Today it's a balmy 35'F with sunshine and no wind! It feels like spring. My LF lav orps are laying those clean, perfectly shaped eggs for incubation. Such a waste to eat them. Now I see pics of adorable chicks on the screen in front of me. Perhaps it's not Cookie but me going broody. Is that possible?

If my little "Cookie Monster" decides to go full broody I'll let you know.

But that's happens to all of us sooner or later
@Faraday40 I pulled out and dusted off the incubators last night and plugged them in to make sure they were good to go when needed. So I figured I would test fertility on the young orp eggs and 4 of Minnie's eggs. I could let the Orpingtons eggs continue if fertile, but little Minnie(cochin bantam) is also of favorite of my SL Orp, even though they are both SL, the chicks would not be pure. Plus I don't have room. SO you are not the only one going broody, I am right there with you. I need to get them separated in their own coops and runs.
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@Faraday40 I pulled out and dusted off the incubators last night and plugged them in to make sure they were good to go when needed. So I figured I would test fertility on the young orp eggs and 4 of Minnie's eggs. I could let the Orpingtons eggs continue if fertile, but little Minnie(cochin bantam) is also of favorite of my SL Orp, even though they are both SL, the chicks would not be pure. Plus I don't have room. SO you are not the only one going broody, I am right there with you. I need to get them separated in their own coops and runs.
My incubator is being washed as we speak. DW has been promised its a test hatch and all chicks are promised!

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