
I was very thankful for the meal and the thought behind it. I don't want to sound like a snob....
but :sick I can't stomach the taste of canned veggies.

Same!!! It's no wonder there's so many people who don't like to eat their veggies if that's what they are eating. Nothing beats home-grown real veggies! I use frozen sometimes too but I figure out real fast which brands freeze fresh veggies and which ones don't.
Someone brought us dinner and gave us canned carrots & peas. Are those OK for chicken treats or too high in salt?

I was very thankful for the meal and the thought behind it. I don't want to sound like a snob....
but :sick I can't stomach the taste of canned veggies.
I think they'll be fine for the chickens as treats (in small portions that is). Perhaps rinse them well in a culinder first to remove some of the excess salt.
So my coop drama continues. I spoke with the person handling the claim for my damaged fence pieces and she feels terrible about all the problems I am having with this order so she put the replacement parts on order immediately and says they should ship tomorrow. I may or may not end up with the damaged ones as well depending if anyone wants them back but they probably don't. So my thought was even though I don't have the coop yet, if I can build the run and use one of the damaged pieces to block the hole where the coop will connect, the ladies can get outside at least during the day for a while. I wouldn't trust that kind of set up in the rain or for a long time without supervision, but I can see where it will be set up from my office window to keep an eye on them once they get adjusted and until then, I have a lot of gardening to get done now that it's not raining 24/7 so here is hoping things are looking up!

I think if they can't come up with a solution to the 4-6 week delay on the coop, I might be able to find someone local to build one that works with the run since I do really like the run a lot. And assuming they will refund the portion of the cost that was for the coop. Hopefully that isn't asking too much.
So my coop drama continues. I spoke with the person handling the claim for my damaged fence pieces and she feels terrible about all the problems I am having with this order so she put the replacement parts on order immediately and says they should ship tomorrow. I may or may not end up with the damaged ones as well depending if anyone wants them back but they probably don't. So my thought was even though I don't have the coop yet, if I can build the run and use one of the damaged pieces to block the hole where the coop will connect, the ladies can get outside at least during the day for a while. I wouldn't trust that kind of set up in the rain or for a long time without supervision, but I can see where it will be set up from my office window to keep an eye on them once they get adjusted and until then, I have a lot of gardening to get done now that it's not raining 24/7 so here is hoping things are looking up!

I think if they can't come up with a solution to the 4-6 week delay on the coop, I might be able to find someone local to build one that works with the run since I do really like the run a lot. And assuming they will refund the portion of the cost that was for the coop. Hopefully that isn't asking too much.
Send us pictures when you have it all set.

If you could post links to what you purchased, maybe we can offer you advice on a solution. :idunno
I know Menards does offer for sale some plastic storage sheds at reasonable price. If you are not able to do any conversions of those into coop. (no tools, time to do it, or whatever other reason) These would need some interior modifications, like roosts and pop door, and ventilation. Hoping this put some light on possible options.....:thumbsup
So my coop drama continues. I spoke with the person handling the claim for my damaged fence pieces and she feels terrible about all the problems I am having with this order so she put the replacement parts on order immediately and says they should ship tomorrow. I may or may not end up with the damaged ones as well depending if anyone wants them back but they probably don't. So my thought was even though I don't have the coop yet, if I can build the run and use one of the damaged pieces to block the hole where the coop will connect, the ladies can get outside at least during the day for a while. I wouldn't trust that kind of set up in the rain or for a long time without supervision, but I can see where it will be set up from my office window to keep an eye on them once they get adjusted and until then, I have a lot of gardening to get done now that it's not raining 24/7 so here is hoping things are looking up!

I think if they can't come up with a solution to the 4-6 week delay on the coop, I might be able to find someone local to build one that works with the run since I do really like the run a lot. And assuming they will refund the portion of the cost that was for the coop. Hopefully that isn't asking too much.
Chickens outside an office window would not work for me. I'd watch them and not do any work like every time I let them free range.

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