
I don't taste much difference between the eggs myself, although their feed is similar except the ducks get higher protein usually. Three eggs are different though. Duck eggs have a larger yolk to white ratio and are larger in general. The duck yolk is also higher in cholesterol and creamier in texture. They make great baked goods and velvety scrambled eggs, but generally taste like an egg just.
Thank you. I 'm going to have to find someone to buy a few from. I have a great cheese cake recipe I think they may do well in.
I have about 60 hens, almost 7 yrs to less than a year old. I'm got 2 to 7 eggs a day last week. The youngest are a meat mutt mix and the oldest is a black jersey giant. They lay a few days a week. I sell some, give some to a neighbor and my cousin and later hatch some. I usually have 18 go broody a year. The extras are steamed in the pressure cooker, smashed and fed back.
I have been feeding them back each month I take everything and boil them off.I just do a fast hard boil and then smash them with my hand as I pop them into the icecream bucket for take out. ( icecream tubs are awesome) I don't bother peeling them the ladies pick through and eat what they want and the kitten takes her share too.
I don't know how to get the people around me to buy eggs off me. I have a couple bill board signs up in town. I have given to people to let them know how yummy the eggs are. More times then not when I offer a free dozen eggs to someone they say NO thank you. It seems like they are afraid of the eggs. I only have 3 neighbors that will buy from me and at 9-15 eggs a day I am drowning in eggs.
I have been feeding them back each month I take everything and boil them off.I just do a fast hard boil and then smash them with my hand as I pop them into the icecream bucket for take out. ( icecream tubs are awesome) I don't bother peeling them the ladies pick through and eat what they want and the kitten takes her share too.
I don't know how to get the people around me to buy eggs off me. I have a couple bill board signs up in town. I have given to people to let them know how yummy the eggs are. More times then not when I offer a free dozen eggs to someone they say NO thank you. It seems like they are afraid of the eggs. I only have 3 neighbors that will buy from me and at 9-15 eggs a day I am drowning in eggs.
I put them in a big metal bowl and use a potato masher on the eggs.
Yeah I have a friend that only eats store bought eggs. A relative told his GF that their might be baby chicks in them. I collect several times a day and mark the broodies that's not likely.
I put them in a big metal bowl and use a potato masher on the eggs.
Yeah I have a friend that only eats store bought eggs. A relative told his GF that their might be baby chicks in them. I collect several times a day and mark the broodies that's not likely.
No peeps here. I can't have a rooster. I tell them how to check them and I don't have a male so there aren't any surprises inside. (shhhh don't tell them about meat spots yet lol) I even tell them to check on line about any info I give to double check me. That has helped out. The few that do buy off me love them and said they would never do store bought eggs again. I do grow some foods that help with taste in eggs like marigolds. I had one neighbor tell me that the winter eggs dont taste as good. Hmmmm Not getting all those fresh herbs I grow. I have one easter egger she pops out a green egg I try to give everyone one free. They looked at me strangly and asked if it was okay to eat. :gig
Hey Illinois friends!
I was wondering if anyone semi near the Ashmore/Charleston/Mattoon area had any used crayons they no longer want? My sister is an art teacher at two local elementary schools and I've been recycling old crayons by melting them down into fun shapes and giving them to her (over 300!) students. If any of you have any you'd like to donate, I'd appreciate it. :) I'm talking no matter what brand, no matter how small. The kids absolutely love these. Message me if you have some. :)
Hey Illinois friends!
I was wondering if anyone semi near the Ashmore/Charleston/Mattoon area had any used crayons they no longer want? My sister is an art teacher at two local elementary schools and I've been recycling old crayons by melting them down into fun shapes and giving them to her (over 300!) students. If any of you have any you'd like to donate, I'd appreciate it. :) I'm talking no matter what brand, no matter how small. The kids absolutely love these. Message me if you have some. :)
You're about 2hrs from me sorry.
Hey Illinois friends!
I was wondering if anyone semi near the Ashmore/Charleston/Mattoon area had any used crayons they no longer want? My sister is an art teacher at two local elementary schools and I've been recycling old crayons by melting them down into fun shapes and giving them to her (over 300!) students. If any of you have any you'd like to donate, I'd appreciate it. :) I'm talking no matter what brand, no matter how small. The kids absolutely love these. Message me if you have some. :)
I'm far and my little ones still use every crayon they can. What a great idea though to melt old broken crayons and form fun shapes. I will keep this in the back of my mind for when their crayon box is overfilled with broken pieces.

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