illness need help now

Good morning
she's better. A little brighter, more alert. Still breathing fast. I haven't tried moving here around to clean her kennel yet. She usually is worse after
I have an update. The last couple of days she's not eating but she keeps taking water she's breathing easier still crackles when I have to move her out of her kennel to clean her kennel but today she started eating. I purchased some mealworms and some chick crumble treat. She's drinking electrolytes and probiotics and I'm finally starting to see some solid to her diarrhea. She's alert and a little frisky but tires easily. I think she's on the road to recovery. I think that it started with dehydration to start with and turned into pneumonia. If she still isn't more improved by the end of the day I'm going to start Tylan. Any thoughts on this would be great. Thanks guys for all your help. I don't know that I could have done this without you
Shout out to microchick... thank to your supply and guidance I think she just might make it. I even needed to do mouth to beek resuscitation. I know gross but it worked. When I wasn't with her I was sterilizing the cooperation and chasing the other hens for medical check. Reassessing the water supply. Thank you so much for all your help
Glad to hear that she is doing better. You might want to get a baby nasal bulb syringe to use on her if she gets too congested and what ever you do, as long as she is on antibiotics, and for at lest a week after, push the pro biotics on her. I would also up her protein to help her heal. Scrambled eggs are my food of choice. I also make oatmeal and mix the scrambled eggs in it. They love it.

Your dedication and determination are to be commended. Hope your girl continues to improve.
As far as I know, chickens don't get pneumonia. The closest thing with those symptoms is aspergillosis. That comes from a fungus and not treatable with antibiotics. Actually no treatment. Just prevention by eliminating moist conditions.
As far as I know, chickens don't get pneumonia. The closest thing with those symptoms is aspergillosis. That comes from a fungus and not treatable with antibiotics. Actually no treatment. Just prevention by eliminating moist conditions.
I thought there was a bronchitis that they can get. I know my LO rooster, Stupid Larry, had a bad case of laryngitis earlier this spring and I called it laryngitis/pharyngitis in human medicine it's one step away from bronchitis.
I thought there was a bronchitis that they can get. I know my LO rooster, Stupid Larry, had a bad case of laryngitis earlier this spring and I called it laryngitis/pharyngitis in human medicine it's one step away from bronchitis.
My girl has pneumonia. Took her to the vet, and the X-rays showed double pneumonia.
she is on enroflaoxin water in a nebulizer and also 1ml twice a day.
she started wheezing pretty bad last Wednesday, and today Monday she is out
with her flock mates. Still will keep her in at night, and give meds for another week.
That should take care of it, will get another x-ray next week just to make sure.
Well, y'know, if they can get bronchitis and the bronchitis gets bad enough it rings true that it can become pneumonia, doesn't it? At least that rings true in humans, myself included. Been there done that.

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