**Im a little offended!**


That story is at the same time funny and tragic. How truly sad is it that people are so far removed from where their food comes from that they're disgusted by wonderful, farm fresh eggs or garden fresh veg.
We went out of town for a few weeks in August and got a pet-sitter for our cats and chickens. I told the pet-sitter she was welcome to the eggs that she collected and she said that she only eats eggs from the store. That she just "couldn't" eat fresh eggs. I don't think she even took any of the fresh raspberries, blueberries, or squash that was in season either.
My neighbor is a wonderful woman! However, will not eat our eggs. She will not even let her DH cook them in the house. "It is just too gross!" She won't eat our pork either. She will eat our beef, because she has never met them. We keep them at the inlaws. She prefers the pork and eggs that "Giant Eagle picks from their trees" already in styrofoam and shrink wrapped. I take dinner down to her hubby now and then when we are having egg sandwiches or pork chops. At least we converted one city person.
So he would rather eat 8 week old reffrigerated eggs, than farm fresh delicious eggs...... People these days
So, I read through this whole thread. All I can say it this...there are going to be alot of very hungry people out there when the economy really takes a dive and we will be depending on what we grow and raise in our own backyards to sustain ourselves and our families.
I stopped buying eggs at Walmart when I found out that they were being shipped from Texas to Utah. I mean...REALLY?!?!?!
I don't know how long it took those eggs to reach the store. What ever happened to buying from local suppliers?
Backyard chickens eggs are SOO much yummier than store bought!! In fact, right now I only have 1 hen (the rest still pullets) and only get 5 eggs a week, and for as much as I use them I bought some store bought eggs. The eggs I got said "Grade AA" eggs. Well basically I compared one of my eggs to ones of the store bought eggs. HA!! My egg was Grade AA. The store bought egg was Grade B! lol

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