i'm amazed..

My first supplier was Isaac Asimov. Sigh.

I frequent used book stores and make friends there so they let me know when good stuff comes in. One of my real secrets is senior centers! One near us has a book store as part of their programs and I LOVE IT. People give over their books when they move into nursing homes and there are people in that store who are experts at anything you can think of! Wow! And the most awesome books...... dirt cheap.
Good luck with the book readings, by the time I was 18, I had read over 5000 books---All the Tarzan series, Doc Savage, Danny Dunn, Tom Corbett, and any Sci-fi I could find. This was in B.C. of course (Before Computers) I have since discovered E-books and spent my rainy days reading, if the Sun is shining, I'm in my Garden or messing with the Chickens avoiding the "Honey-Dew" list. After you read the Twilight series, go for the Anita Blake series by Laurell K. Hamilton, it will make your Twilight look like a preschool primer series.

Does the Anita Blake series come in anything but graphic novels? That is all I could find at my library so far...

Absolutely!!!!! The graphics are a fairly new addition. The Anita Blake series and the Meredith Gentry series of hers should keep you busy for a long while! Careful though they get pretty X rated as they go on.

Another like that is Kim Harrison's series that starts with Dead Witch Walking.
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Does the Anita Blake series come in anything but graphic novels? That is all I could find at my library so far...

Absolutely!!!!! The graphics are a fairly new addition. The Anita Blake series and the Meredith Gentry series of hers should keep you busy for a long while! Careful though they get pretty X rated as they go on.

Another like that is Kim Harrison's series that starts with Dead Witch Walking.​

Its all right - I'm in my 40's and have survived 3 teens plus a stint working nights with ex-cons. But thanks for the heads up - won't let the 16 year old read them. She liked the whole Twilight series until she got "to old" for them in her own mind. She also liked the Cirque de Freak series. Read them all in 2 weeks a couple of years ago and she is very much a non-reader also.
I am an avid reader. I have ADD, so concentrating on anything for any serious length of time is next to impossible, unless I have a good book in my hand. Then my reading becomes almost an obsession. I tune out the world around me and I plow through until the book is done, and then I go through what I suppose could be considered a withdrawl period where I feel empty without something to read. I feel compelled to find another book to read, and if I do, the obsession starts all over again. If I don't, I eventually snap out of it and life, chaotic as it is, continues on for me. But in my lifetime I have easily read thousands of books. Reading is definitely a passion of mine, and my younger daughter has definitely inherited that from me, along with my ADD, poor kid. She is even more obsessed than me, though I think I was much like her when I was young. I read the entire Twilight series, even though at first I thought they were beneath my intelligence. I thought they would be childish, but they weren't, and I enjoyed them much more than I expected. My daughter though, she has read each of those books at least 7 times. EACH!!! She knows every character, their gifts, and can quote lines from each book. I went on to read Myers newer book, The Host, and I enjoyed that one too. It was suppose to be her first adult novel, but in truth, it was no different than the Twilight books. No swearing, no sex scenes (I still don't really even consider the honeymoon scene in New Moon to even BE a real sex scene), not even touching. Just a few kisses here and there. Good book, simple, but good. Personally, I LOVE horror and suspense, and some of my favorite writers are Dean Koontz (Read everything he's ever written, minus the last book in the Frankenstein series), John Saul, Stephen King (though mostly before his near fatal accident. He got a little boring for awhile afterwards), and recently I've discovered Kelly Armstrong. I also discovered a fantastic writer by the name of Elizabeth Cunningham. She wrote the Maive Chronicles which are a fictional series of books based on the life of Mary Magdalene. You have to sort of set all biblical teachings aside and read it with a grain of salt, but she is a FANTASTIC writer. She puts so much life into the characters she writes about that you grow to love each character. I want to buy the whole series, and finish the last book. My library didn't have the last book when I started reading the series. I love the old V.C. Andrews books, but only the ones from back when she was alive. The new ghost writers are so bland and they all sound the same now, so I stopped reading them long ago. If I find other books that are interesting, I will read them. I used to not read anything unless it was by a short list of authors, but that short list doesn't write fast enough to suit my hunger, so I have learned to find other authors, and other books. And I'm glad I did too. There is so much to read out there. You' d be amazed at the worlds that await you inside the cover of a good book!
i was thinking i might pick that one up after i'm done with eclipse and breaking dawn. i'm not sure how i will do though. reading the twilight saga helps cuz i can put a face to the name.

speaking of which i just saw a commercial for eclipse and i want to see it AGAIN lol i've seen it twice now lol. i'm glad i will own it soon. seriously twilight is my life right now. i want to find my edward cullen LoL

chicken_china_mom that sounds like me too. i am completely obsessed. when i'm not reading, it's all i think about (obviously) and it's all i can think of. all i wana do is get home and read

HAHAHA funny side note, i have one duck playing with a cat toy. it's like a spring and she keeps biting it and it comes back to her HAHA she just keeping doing it. and another playing soccer with an empty dr. pepper bottle on my floor. hahaha i thought it was funny
lovesduckies... If you like the Twilight Books... and want to read more books like it.. i would suggest the Vampire academy series By Richelle mead... i have Quite a few Urban fantasy type books
most involving vampires and werewolf's
it all started with twilight.. i now have over 20 books LOL
do they have all the mushy love stuff like twilight?

lol yea along those lines
they do have a love story to it.

The Garnet lacy chronicles (i think thats what its called) has vampires and a witch in it.. again... love typeish story.
the Sookie stackhouse Novels also has love stories in it... same with the Alpha and Omega , and Mercy Thompson series by patricia briggs. they are all good ^.^ The host is another love triangle thing like Twilight.

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