I'm at a loss, please help my hen

Can you post a picture of her legs? Also if you can feel her legs. are they warm? if so she may be able to be saved. Keep her warm... maybe in the basement. You may have to syringe feed her. Give her probiotic yogurt too. Ive been through this before too. If you have any more concerns don't be afraid to ask. good luck! :)
I found my hen on the floor of the hen house. I have brought her inside and its like she has no use of her legs. She will drink when I hold the water to her but it seems her coordination is a little off as well. She is at least 4 years old (I rescued her) and she is a red star. Whitish poop with a lot clear fluid

I'm sorry you're having trouble.
Have you added any new chickens to your flock recently?

Do the best you can to keep her hydrated, offering vitamins in her water. The chick starter is a good idea if she will take it. You can also give some chopped egg or tuna.

Feel her abdomen - any swelling, bloat, feeling like it has fluid in it?

At her age, she may have an internal laying/reproductive disorder like Egg Yolk Peritonitis, Ascites, cancer or tumors. Fluids and egg matter/masses can cause difficulty walking (lameness/not being able to move), difficulty breathing and lethargy. Supportive care is usually the only course of action.

It's possible it could be Marek's, it's not unheard of that a chicken this old can come down with symptoms (usually when exposed to "new chickens"). Marek's symptoms usually present starting at 12-25wks of age on up to 40wks.

Peritonitis and internal egg laying issues:
Hi guys, sorry. I worked nightshift last night and had to grab a few hours. She has no swelling of her abdomen or anywhere. She is eating a lot this morning, she wouldn't touch the yogurt so I brought out the bullet blender. I put rice, sunflower kernels, vitamins and water, pureed all that in to a thick liquid, she is on the third lil container. She is making a mess but at she is getting some calories and vitamins down. She is more alert and flapping her wings some. Like she is trying to stand but can't. I will try to figure out how to put a pic of her legs. Looks just like they would be if she were in a nest box. Not straight or anything and her toes are not curled. I know it's a slim shot but just that she is getting food in her is a plus. Thanks to all of you guys for everything.
PS- her name is smartcar....lol. It's a story there, something got a hold of her a while back but only got all of the tail end butt feathers (thankfully) and hubby said she was running around out in the yard looking like a smart car...no trunk and compact. .
this happened to my chicken she was about 4 and was very weak. does she seem to pant whenever shes hot?

I didn't answer this, no she isn't panting she does seem to be in any discomfort at all. I haven't seen any straining and she is pooping. Lots of water stuff and some dark with a little bit of white poop in there. She has had a lot of water over the past three days. First days I had to dropper it in now she drinks herself and today she is eating a concoction I made up. At least it's substance besides vitamin laced water

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