I'm Curious about the Size of your Coops



Dreaming of Spring
BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
9 Years
Jul 16, 2015
I always wonder what size coops people have. I personally have a very large shed 40x40 that I use as my main coop. It's got a few separation pens, half the shed houses goats that other half houses donkeys. The chickens are allowed all over most of it but are kept out of the feed areas. They do have their own areas. They roughly have access to 30x40. I think my shed maxes out at about 75-80 chickens and 10-15 muscovy ducks. My birds are free to come and go, there's no run on this shed.

My bantam coop is 8x10 with a run roughly 6x30. They aren't often locked in and can come and go as they please. It comfortably houses 15-20 bantams.

My turkey shed is 10x12 with a 20x100 foot run and can house 12-15 comfortably.

So share what you have, because I'm always wondering. Feel free to share pictures too. I've seen some adorable coops on here. :) I'm also curious if anyone else has a big building, which is definitely a luxury.
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We were very fortunate to move to a farm with a big outbuilding for chickens with a concrete floor and a cinderblock base. My husband built the run for them to be in during the day when we are at work (way too many predators out here). The smaller building to the right is the feed shed, where I keep all their food and supplies. The coop is maybe 16’x16’ and currently houses 5 chickens. There is definitely room for many more, but this was our first time with chickens so we started with a small flock. We had 6 until about a month ago, and they are all 1.5 years old. Looking forward to getting some chicks in spring!
View attachment 1584825 View attachment 1584826 We were very fortunate to move to a farm with a big outbuilding for chickens with a concrete floor and a cinderblock base. My husband built the run for them to be in during the day when we are at work (way too many predators out here). The smaller building to the right is the feed shed, where I keep all their food and supplies. The coop is maybe 16’x16’ and currently houses 5 chickens. There is definitely room for many more, but this was our first time with chickens so we started with a small flock. We had 6 until about a month ago, and they are all 1.5 years old. Looking forward to getting some chicks in spring!
That's a really nice looking building. :)
I now have 16 chickens and 5 guineas.
We tore down 3 ancient garages/outbuildings and reused all the lumber and roofing to build our present coop, 11 X 14.5, (just under building permit size in our location) the only new lumber was the roof joists.
It has a 6X6 roost section with cement floor.
chicken coop 004.JPG
chicken coop 002.JPG

The exterior is cedar shake. We got a great deal at the local lumberyard for 3 partial pallets of returns . Three different colors so we mixed them. So far our boat house, garage, quanset endwalls and chicken coop are matching. Still have enough shake for a couple more buildings.
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