I'm going to kill my husband

i tihnk we should all sit down and compair what wierd stuff our husbands have drug home!!!!!, yep my husband hangs out with the last guy who will ever let you down.......the under taker....i am now the proud owner of a wooden vault ( now they use cement vaults to put the caskets in) but it just creeps me out!!......
I know what you meant by that post but it still made me think of the big dragons of lore and legend
.. Must hide dragons will breathe fire on me!!! LOL

Don't know much about emu's I have seen and petted and even help move a few. They are sweet birds, most of the time.
I don't think any of your husbands could handle me guys! Irish and Cherokee Indian here....

He already asked me this morning if there was a tracking number on the eggs. They haven't even shipped yet.
He's a good husband, true. when I was pregnant with my daughter he got us a maid.

What states is it legal in? Maybe we'll move...

DO NOT KILL HIM - he is too valuable or send him here...

I'm will not be having kids ever again, but could use a good maid.
You have a husband that actually brings animals home? What's that like???

I can truthfully say that that will never happen at my house.
Gotta love a man who thinks about what looks good in the pasture

Yup. He's so odd. I can never tell what he's going to like. He didn't have a single animal when we met. Now we have 2 cornish rex cats, one standard poodle, one LG Chihuahua, 7 chickens, and the soon to be EMU eggs.

You need to learn the phrase, "DH, would you prefer X or Y?" (with X & Y both being acceptible choices) and substitute that phrase instead of the open-ended, "DH, what do you want?"

Just think, you could have said, "Do you prefer birds that lay brown eggs, or ones that lay white eggs?" Or "leghorns or barred rocks" or "white cochins or partridge cochins?"

That said, you will now have guard birds. You willl need to look up their incubation needs, though--pretty sure it is a lot drier than chickens, as well as a lot longer. BTW, my incubator was originally setup as an emu incubator; I've never hatched any, though, only chickens.

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