I'm having complications with the Baby.* UPDATE*Remember me?!

Sending more prayers and good thoughts

Update us as soon as possible! We're waiting on pins and needles here!
Have you ever read "supernatural child birth "?

I've been where you are, it really helped me. there's no reason that anything should be allowed to come between you and what God commanded us to do. Be fruitful and multiply- to provide the blessing of children to our husbands.

A lot of people think thats fruitcakey these days, but darn if Iam going to knock something that works.

I'm pull'n for ya
Hi all-

Well I have some good news and we are proceeding with the pregnancy with cautious optimism; I have a Subchorionic Hemorrhage (SCH), the baby is showing no signs of stress, it's little heart was beating a bit slow at 78bpm but the doctor believes that the fact that the baby has a heart-rate is a great sign and reassuring in itself… Since the baby just got a heartbeat this week he isn’t overly concerned. I'm no longer bleeding and the cramping has subsided, I go back in one week to have another ultrasound to check the baby and the SCH. I'm labeled high-risk and will continue to be seen frequently. Please keep praying for a good outcome, we wouldn’t have come this far if it wasn’t for everyone’s prayers. Thank you!

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