I'm having complications with the Baby.* UPDATE*Remember me?!


Hang in there peanut!
I'm so glad that things are still getting better. That's great! Still prayers for you and your baby.I worried the whole time I was preg. with both my kids. I had a miscarrage with my 1st preg. So that freaked me out with each other preg. I had bleeding with both the following pregs. But 2 healthy baby boys out of it. But wow, was I scared! Tons of
YES!! God is good, I'm so pleased everything is going well. I had just mentioned something to my Dh that I have not seen you on here lately and was wondering about you and your bean. I'm still praying. God Bless you
Thanks be to God !!!

Thank you for the happy update, I pray for health, grace & peace for the rest of your pregnancy and a joyful delivery of a healthy baby! My pregnancies were all white-knuckled breath-holding rides right up to the end, and I would be the happiest lady in labor knowing I would soon see my prize.

I used to get so annoyed with ladies griping about how awful their pregnancy, labor & deliveries had been. As long as their stories concluded with "...and then I brought my healthy baby home!" I wanted to tell them to Shut UP! I didn't care if the baby came out sideways holding a potted cactus, I'd deliver from my eye sockets if it meant a successful birth.

But I hope & pray for things to go much more smoothly than that for you! Please keep us posted, I pray for a peaceful set & a happy hatch.

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