I'm in California. Temp warm enough for babies to play outside?

They should be OK for a little while

First week they need 90 degrees
2nd week they need 85 degrees
3rd week they need 80 degrees... so it's a tad cold for them.

I wouldn't have them out for more than 45 minutes or so, then get them to the heat lamp.
ahhhh...should have seized the day on Thursday when it was 90!

Maybe I'll hold off.
They'll be fine to play outside for awhile, on sunny windless days.

I start taking brooder raised chicks out about two weeks old. My broody had her chicks out at less than a week old when there was still snow on the ground! You just have to play the role of mama hen. If the chicks are running around having a good time - peeping softly and checking out the world - they're fine. If they start huddling and peeping LOUDLY, it's time for them to go back under Mama (heat lamp).

It's actually very healthy for them to be out in the fresh air and sunshine as early as possible; especially if you are feeding a medicated feed. The feed helps them develop an immunity to coccidia, but they have to be exposed to it to jump start their immune systems.

Keep an eye on them, keep them safe from predators and bring them in when they start acting cold. They'll be fine.
Mine are about a month old and we had a nice 45 degree day so I put mine out in my rabbit tractor. Its butted up to a plastic playhouse. I put in a 250 watt heat lamp and that kept the whole house at almost 70 degrees and warmer under the lamp. They were outside for about 7 hours. They'd go out into the run for about 30 minutes then back into the house to warm up. They had fun!
My advice...go ahead. Just watch them. If they seem cold, put them back inside. Or put a hot water bottle or a sock filled with microwaved rice outside with them so they can warm up if they have to.
Mine are about 3-4 weeks and they are outside in the coop under a heat lamp and been fine for as long as they've been out there
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oh they are so cheeky those little buggers. Downright mad at being cooped up in the bathroom. Chirping a blue streak of profanity I'm sure. I moved them today into my GIANT dog crate and they were so happy! I'll put the heat lamp out just in case.

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