Good gravy! Must be something in the water lol! I hope you don't have to resort to the cage, i always feel like im abusing them even though it's really just to help. Something about those big ole eyes and all that grumbling going on just makes me feel terrible.
Glad ya got her broke! I may have to resort to the cage with the rest of mine. I have three new broodys now...:he
Lol! I'd rather be a little too soft than an old hard butt. Laughed myself stupid yesterday hubs came in started digging in the fridge like usual and said "hey,you cleaned out the freezer " i just said yep i sure did,and had to excuse myself from the room. :lau
Me too! I'm too soft!!!:lau
yep, cool their butts, i have also done the dunk in ice water
it worked on one, and on another but it took a couple days of dunking

(dunk in ice water, swish around, put up on roost for bed)
OK...I think I can do that...It's been a bit cold here, will it make em sick?

Lol! I'd rather be a little too soft than an old hard butt. Laughed myself stupid yesterday hubs came in started digging in the fridge like usual and said "hey,you cleaned out the freezer " i just said yep i sure did,and had to excuse myself from the room. :lau
Too funny...yeah I'd have to just walk away...:lau

8 out of 9 eggs hatched... Pretty sure they are muts..But I love em anyway!:D

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