They're beautiful! I wasn't sure and didn't want to assume. Can't wait to see more pics of the babies. Are they always pure black? I guess the 'red comb' tell doesn't work for the pullets.
They're beautiful! I wasn't sure and didn't want to assume. Can't wait to see more pics of the babies. Are they always pure black? I guess the 'red comb' tell doesn't work for the pullets.
Yes, at least they are supposed to be. Sometimes they will have some red bleed through on the the combs or wattles, but they should be solid black. Even their skin, bones and organs.
And yeah, the " red comb tell" doesn't work with them.
Yes, at least they are supposed to be. Sometimes they will have some red bleed through on the the combs or wattles, but they should be solid black. Even their skin, bones and organs.
And yeah, the " red comb tell" doesn't work with them.

Inside the mouths, tongues, everything!

There are lots of people that see them as money birds, and aren't culling ones that have faults. So a lot of those traits will continue to crop up.

I'd love to have some, but I'm not good at culling for simple imperfections. I know yours are just yard candy, but you will have some real beauties! ;)
Inside the mouths, tongues, everything!

There are lots of people that see them as money birds, and aren't culling ones that have faults. So a lot of those traits will continue to crop up.

I'd love to have some, but I'm not good at culling for simple imperfections. I know yours are just yard candy, but you will have some real beauties! ;)
Awwww... Thanks :D
I do plan to start breeding for correctness next spring. But I'll need help deciding who to put together for that..Lol I know it takes a lot of time to breed out faults and my culls will just continue to be yard candy...;)
I just got my first egg yesterday and all my girls are 32 weeks....once I stopped looking for eggs, they surprised me, my daughter found it lolView attachment 1166872
awww she looks so excited!!!

These are my daughter's boots. My bantam cockerel HATES them. I assume it's b/c of the pattern.
Yesterday my leghorn cockerel, Odin, came at me while I was sitting on the yard swing. This was his first time out in a while and I had high hopes that he might finally realize that he isn't the boss. I grabbed him and put him away. On a good note, during his short moments of freedom, my girls didn't go after his tail. I'm going to give him until the spring & if he's still a jerk I'll have to decided what to do with him.
theyve got eyes! lol

I know why he hates them,its because they look like they've got eyes.;)
I have a Delaware that's dumber than a box of rocks. I have a video of her I'll have to upload & share. She's very special.
Yes, please do!
Awwww... Thanks :D
I do plan to start breeding for correctness next spring. But I'll need help deciding who to put together for that..Lol I know it takes a lot of time to breed out faults and my culls will just continue to be yard candy...;)

Of course! I didn't mean to imply you were one of those people! Sorry if it sounded that way :hugs
I did forget you were going to do a breeding pen with them. At least you got a great start from a responsible breeder. :) can't wait to see all the chicklets.
Of course! I didn't mean to imply you were one of those people! Sorry if it sounded that way :hugs
I did forget you were going to do a breeding pen with them. At least you got a great start from a responsible breeder. :) can't wait to see all the chicklets.
Good grief gal...I never thought such a thing..Ya aught to know better than that..:hugs
Sorry if I implied I did tho..:oops:
I'm lucky I was able to get the ones I have! ;)
Broody has been nipped in the bud,the freezer treatment and booting her off the nest all day worked thankfully. I hate,hate,hate doing the cage thing. On top of that one of my molty girls is acting like she might lay,the other two molters are still pretty funky looking so probably no colored eggs for me for a while longer.
Broody has been nipped in the bud,the freezer treatment and booting her off the nest all day worked thankfully. I hate,hate,hate doing the cage thing. On top of that one of my molty girls is acting like she might lay,the other two molters are still pretty funky looking so probably no colored eggs for me for a while longer.
Glad ya got her broke! I may have to resort to the cage with the rest of mine. I have three new broodys now...:he

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