So I thought today would be the day (the wonderful, elusive, First Egg Day). It wasn't. But this is why, and has this happened with your chooks right before they lay?

There have been these ginormous turb boulders lately, in and around the nest boxes. Then this AM I saw what looked like some almost-blood-colored orangey mucousy stuff on one of the turds. Birds are all acting fine. Do they, like, bleed a little before their first egg? Cuz I would imagine that stretches their little tiny virginal cloacas a bit. Not to be gross, I am serious...

Not sure. I've seen a few odd, but not concerning poops. Here are some pictures in the link below. Is what you are seeing kind of like the last few "normal" poo pics? Or maybe the ceacal poop?
ditto, did you get a pic??
Nah, it just looked like kind of gross-looking mucousy intestinal slough. I didn't get all freaky about it. I looked up "oops egg" pictures and it didn't look like any of them.

I spend way too much time looking at poo. But you can certainly tell alot from it, I gotta say.
Nah, it just looked like kind of gross-looking mucousy intestinal slough. I didn't get all freaky about it. I looked up "oops egg" pictures and it didn't look like any of them.

I spend way too much time looking at poo. But you can certainly tell alot from it, I gotta say.
Have you dewormed? Depending on what it looked like, it could be worms.
Maybe check out some poop
Not sure. I've seen a few odd, but not concerning poops. Here are some pictures in the link below. Is what you are seeing kind of like the last few "normal" poo pics? Or maybe the ceacal poop?

Wow. That is an AMAZING poo page, thanks! :bowI am quite sure it's just a little slough. But some of those turds, whoa!!

Nah, definitely not cecal poop, I've stepped in and smelled that grossness plenty of times, lol! The size of the turds are quite large, almost like the broody poop. That's why I was thinking maybe she's getting ready to lay...
Not sure. I've seen a few odd, but not concerning poops. Here are some pictures in the link below. Is what you are seeing kind of like the last few "normal" poo pics? Or maybe the ceacal poop?
Oh gee so glad you shared that.
Just the other day I was cleaning out the poop trays and thinking "I didn't think I wold ever be cleaning up chicken poop" and then I started to examine it closely and thought " i didn't think I'd ever be examining chicken poop" and then I went into the patio and took off my shoes and I thought "I didn't think I would ever own a pair of designated chicken shoes"
Oh gee so glad you shared that.
Just the other day I was cleaning out the poop trays and thinking "I didn't think I wold ever be cleaning up chicken poop" and then I started to examine it closely and thought " i didn't think I'd ever be examining chicken poop" and then I went into the patio and took off my shoes and I thought "I didn't think I would ever own a pair of designated chicken shoes"

Wow. That is an AMAZING poo page, thanks! :bowI am quite sure it's just a little slough. But some of those turds, whoa!!

Nah, definitely not cecal poop, I've stepped in and smelled that grossness plenty of times, lol! The size of the turds are quite large, almost like the broody poop. That's why I was thinking maybe she's getting ready to lay...
Glad ya got the poop sorted!;)
Oh gee so glad you shared that.
Just the other day I was cleaning out the poop trays and thinking "I didn't think I wold ever be cleaning up chicken poop" and then I started to examine it closely and thought " i didn't think I'd ever be examining chicken poop" and then I went into the patio and took off my shoes and I thought "I didn't think I would ever own a pair of designated chicken shoes"
Loving it!!!! :clap
Here's good story for you. My son and his wife and our only grand daughter bought a their first new home and and were moving in this weekend. We went on Sunday to give them a hand and see their new house. Now my daughter in laws parents were there too and they are both psychiatrist and live in Chicago. I swear they both pull out the same little notebook and make notes every time they are around me. So me and Dr. Dad were talking and I mentioned some new pictures I saw he had posted on Facebook. Oh yes they had been in Germany and Nepal and some other places I had never heard of and he just went on and on about their vacation and the amazing things they had seen. After he finished he ask so what's new with you. I proudly said " we got 3 eggs this morning" Out came those notebooks.

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