cream legbars.
i hope to have some breeders next summer if oyu want eggs, unfortunately right now mine were all eaten but 1
Oh yes, she is the treat lady. She is at work all day so I tend to all of the poop and stuff and she comes home and passes out treats. They seem to like her the best.
LOL, sounds perfect!
Im so glad chickens aren't judgemental. My outfit of the morning.Patchwork owl flannels,badass woman t-shirt,and my trusty poop boots....all coming to a Paris runway this fall.:)
I had gotten 3 silkie cross chicks at a buy,sell,trade thing on Saturday. 1 was def a little cockerel and another one prob was too. So, today I was in touch with a family friend who breeds Cochins. She took my 3 chicks, and traded me 2 buff cochin girls! They are 6 months old. I don't wanna brag or anything......but now I have 3 laying girls! Here are my 2 new cochins, and my newly laying australorp.
View attachment 1162957 View attachment 1162958
I wish my 6 month old Cochins would lay :hit
Im so glad chickens aren't judgemental. My outfit of the morning.Patchwork owl flannels,badass woman t-shirt,and my trusty poop boots....all coming to a Paris runway this fall.:)View attachment 1163415

Aww you are so STYLIN'!! Your chooks have gotta love your fashionable teenage-lookin' self! :)

Holy cow your hair is crazy long. I am so jealous.
So, the saga of I'm Never Gonna Get an Egg, continues. 29 weeks old now, and out of 9-only the australorp is laying. No one else is squatting. A few weeks before Licorice laid her first egg, she started being really vocal, and friendlier, checking out the nest boxes. NONE of the others are doing any of this. They still think I'm a chicken killer and try to stay away from me, unless I bring treats. Meanwhile, Licorice is constantly yakking at me, and trying to kill me by squatting in front of me all the time. I found if I "pat" her butt, just above her tail on her back, she will stop screeching and squatting at me for awhile.
Hey,she laid you an egg so you owe her eggs aren't free girlie lol! Pat that butt!:lau
So, the saga of I'm Never Gonna Get an Egg, continues. 29 weeks old now, and out of 9-only the australorp is laying. No one else is squatting. A few weeks before Licorice laid her first egg, she started being really vocal, and friendlier, checking out the nest boxes. NONE of the others are doing any of this. They still think I'm a chicken killer and try to stay away from me, unless I bring treats. Meanwhile, Licorice is constantly yakking at me, and trying to kill me by squatting in front of me all the time. I found if I "pat" her butt, just above her tail on her back, she will stop screeching and squatting at me for awhile.
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So, the saga of I'm Never Gonna Get an Egg, continues. 29 weeks old now, and out of 9-only the australorp is laying. No one else is squatting. A few weeks before Licorice laid her first egg, she started being really vocal, and friendlier, checking out the nest boxes. NONE of the others are doing any of this. They still think I'm a chicken killer and try to stay away from me, unless I bring treats. Meanwhile, Licorice is constantly yakking at me, and trying to kill me by squatting in front of me all the time. I found if I "pat" her butt, just above her tail on her back, she will stop screeching and squatting at me for awhile.
LOL, you are such a good rooster :lau
I thought this thread had died or maybe I got booted off for getting an egg and wearing regular clothes. For some reason I'm not getting alerts.
I'm not getting alerts for a bunch of my watched threads. I read somewhere that if you don't interact once in a while it stops telling you. I just click on watched threads up at the top once in a while, but today I saw it in the new posts and realized it wasn't telling me.

Actually they hate the poop boots, absolutely no love for them.:)
I recently bought my daughter some wellies b/c she wanted them for going to the coop in the winter. They're hideous and my little cockerel Willie HATES them. I held them up to him and he attacked the boot. I'll have to get a pic of them tonight. My daughter loves them and wears them anyway, but he goes right after her. I'll probably have to buy her some less colorful boots.
Incidentally, my sebright bantam hasn't laid since Sunday. Not sure if it's the shorter days, the cold, or she's just taking a break. My chickens have taken to shredding the bale of straw I put in the coop so I'm a little afraid she might have decided to lay in the middle of the floor & it got buried, but I haven't heard a crunch. I'm going to get an LED light to put on a timer to hopefully keep the others laying. By December it's going to be getting dark before 5pm so I don't want them spending their lives in the dark.

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