Ok story time. I look out my window and there is mil's car but no mil. I walk the entire property no mil. I call mil ask her where she is, she's at home...huh? I ask why is your car here? She says "oh that's y'alls car now." Ooookay then, why is it ours? Oh i bought a new one....yeah,well...uh thanks? I'm trying not to be ungrateful but and this is a big but, the car she left has over three hundred thousand miles and every tire is a maypop so she basically dumped a deathtrap in my driveway as a surprise. It has two feet of garbage in it a little livid.
do we get a story :pop
And y'all please, please, please don't think I'm being a snot. This was not an "i love you guys here's a car" this was "i can't even scrap this thing because it doesn't have a title so here ya go" kind of suprise.....Im so having flashbacks of the 2003 poundcake she gave us in 2007.
wow, that's a little passive aggressive!

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