
It did work! Chicken shaming is real! I just went out there to feed my babies, and there it was....egg #2. A perfect, tiny, torpedo-shaped, cream colored ova of wonder.

It will happen! Trust me! Just when you give up, and start checking, cuz you're like "freak this, I'm never gonna get a freakin' egg" <sanitized for your protection, lol> then you go to remove some random turds from the nest box and there it is, sitting there waiting for you. :cool:
How are you going to cook those little eggs???
I fried up my first egg in butter, even though it was very tiny, and ate it with great ceremony. You said you've never had fresh eggs before? Oh, get ready to be amazed! I'd never had eggs *this* fresh before. The yolks are SO orange, and they taste like butter! I'd never liked soft cooked eggs before, but I love them now. Delicious.

This is the beginning of a great new adventure for you and your girls!
I just love this post.
Very carefully, and probably quickly.

I cannot *wait* to to eat someone said, "with great ceremony," lolol! It is almost going to be like some arcane, yogic/Buddhist tea ritual. Or something like that. :)

I saved the shell too. Until we had an ant attack mid summer, and then I didn't save it. Practicality over sentiment.

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