Yes, i know. Iv'e been called antisocial,depressesd and souless because i laughed at a funeral home tantrum and i never shed a tear in public. Im not any of those things I am however my own person and can't be pushed into anything. Really dumb thing she's twelve years older,im the younger sister.:)
You *do* know that they think that *we* are the weird and difficult ones, right????

I have so many internet searches devoted to "divorcing" family and setting boundaries. I'm much happier for it, and I don't really care when my mom says, "You know your brother and sister really miss you!" "Yeah, well, they can learn to play nice. Until then, the phone works both ways!"
AGGGGHHHH! I was just informed that my MIL (of my above posts!) has invited us to Thanksgiving, and my Sweetie really wants me to go, and be there for him.

"I think she wants to apologize to you, and make things right."

Huh? It's been a year and a half since "the incident" and I've had a pass on all of his family functions. I think I'm more pissed at *him* for pressuring me to go, than *her* for inviting me.

Grrrrrr. Must think of a way to not let this ruin my day today. Man, I knew my luck would run out.
Have a couple stiff drinks,and mentally replace every word she says to you with a fart noise. This keeps me sane on most holidays,use it well. :)
AGGGGHHHH! I was just informed that my MIL (of my above posts!) has invited us to Thanksgiving, and my Sweetie really wants me to go, and be there for him.

"I think she wants to apologize to you, and make things right."

Huh? It's been a year and a half since "the incident" and I've had a pass on all of his family functions. I think I'm more pissed at *him* for pressuring me to go, than *her* for inviting me.

Grrrrrr. Must think of a way to not let this ruin my day today. Man, I knew my luck would run out.
Have a couple stiff drinks,and mentally replace every word she says to you with a fart noise. This keeps me sane on most holidays,use it well. :)
Buhahaha! That will help!

I plan on showing up for a greeting, and then instantly walking over to the beach as they all prep for dinner. (she doesn't let me in her kitchen, anyway) I haven't been to the beach in ages, and I miss it.

Then, leaving at 2:30 on the dot. It's a 2 hour drive home, a twisty road the whole way, I can't drive at night, and I have chickens to close up before dark.

Weird sidebar: I once worked for this terrible boss, but I really needed the money, so I couldn't quit the job. We had this giant paper cutter in the file room, and I had to use it sometimes. Every time I used that cutter, I thought about chopping off my pinkie finger to get out of that terrible job on worker's comp! I'd get that for months, plus surgery, then a small settlement of $900 for the useless pinkie finger (I researched how much a lost pinkie was worth). That's what I'm feeling now with Thanksgiving! "Hmmmmm....maybe I could catch Shingles again? I have a 5% chance of getting it again. Or maybe the flu, even though I had my flu shot....."

Desperate times.
Terrible,but you could always come down with the runs. That gets you out of pretty much anything and nobody questions it. To set the stage just hang out in the bathroom alot and spray air freshener, it is really perfect.:)
Buhahaha! That will help!

I plan on showing up for a greeting, and then instantly walking over to the beach as they all prep for dinner. (she doesn't let me in her kitchen, anyway) I haven't been to the beach in ages, and I miss it.

Then, leaving at 2:30 on the dot. It's a 2 hour drive home, a twisty road the whole way, I can't drive at night, and I have chickens to close up before dark.

Weird sidebar: I once worked for this terrible boss, but I really needed the money, so I couldn't quit the job. We had this giant paper cutter in the file room, and I had to use it sometimes. Every time I used that cutter, I thought about chopping off my pinkie finger to get out of that terrible job on worker's comp! I'd get that for months, plus surgery, then a small settlement of $900 for the useless pinkie finger (I researched how much a lost pinkie was worth). That's what I'm feeling now with Thanksgiving! "Hmmmmm....maybe I could catch Shingles again? I have a 5% chance of getting it again. Or maybe the flu, even though I had my flu shot....."

Desperate times.
Y’all are cracking me up!!! I think we were triplets separated at birth!!!

Shingles are no fun. Fake vomiting and diarrhea. Start getting real nauseated the day before and light face powder (or maybe cornstarch) so you look pale and washed out. Maybe an extra light dusting of pink/purple eyeshadow under your eyes.
Buhahaha! That will help!

I plan on showing up for a greeting, and then instantly walking over to the beach as they all prep for dinner. (she doesn't let me in her kitchen, anyway) I haven't been to the beach in ages, and I miss it.

Then, leaving at 2:30 on the dot. It's a 2 hour drive home, a twisty road the whole way, I can't drive at night, and I have chickens to close up before dark.

Weird sidebar: I once worked for this terrible boss, but I really needed the money, so I couldn't quit the job. We had this giant paper cutter in the file room, and I had to use it sometimes. Every time I used that cutter, I thought about chopping off my pinkie finger to get out of that terrible job on worker's comp! I'd get that for months, plus surgery, then a small settlement of $900 for the useless pinkie finger (I researched how much a lost pinkie was worth). That's what I'm feeling now with Thanksgiving! "Hmmmmm....maybe I could catch Shingles again? I have a 5% chance of getting it again. Or maybe the flu, even though I had my flu shot....."

Desperate times.
Terrible,but you could always come down with the runs. That gets you out of pretty much anything and nobody questions it. To set the stage just hang out in the bathroom alot and spray air freshener, it is really perfect.:)
I already HAD Shingles! I got it the day I had a double bone spur surgery (two surgeries, one on each big toe, simultaneously). Stress from surgery probably triggered it. I was on some pretty big drugs due to the surgeries, so the Shingles wasn't quite so painful.

I'd take that Shingles thing again though, as my out.... (paper cutter/pinkie finger desperation)

If a reoccurrence of Shingles is out -- then the runs it is. Maybe a little fake vomiting for good measure. My Sweetie can't be around barf at all (sympathetic vomiter) -- I'll be golden.

Jeesh, I thought my "boundaries" thing was working better, but I guess not. Sigh.
You can always throw some "unlucky" panties in the sink, just so you look extra pitiful. It works, iv'e done it i deserve an oscar.
I already HAD Shingles! I got it the day I had a double bone spur surgery (two surgeries, one on each big toe, simultaneously). Stress from surgery probably triggered it. I was on some pretty big drugs due to the surgeries, so the Shingles wasn't quite so painful.

I'd take that Shingles thing again though, as my out.... (paper cutter/pinkie finger desperation)

If a reoccurrence of Shingles is out -- then the runs it is. Maybe a little fake vomiting for good measure. My Sweetie can't be around barf at all (sympathetic vomiter) -- I'll be golden.

Jeesh, I thought my "boundaries" thing was working better, but I guess not. Sigh.

That is all I have to say about family, and families, at the moment.

Truer words never spoken... :sick

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