I'm not antisocial i just really dislike people. All the people i know discuss things i don't care about and insist on telling me all their drama "which is usually caused by them in the first place." I like my chickens they've never got anything bad to say and it just really is peaceful to watch most of them, "not Lulu, watching her makes me worry." I've noticed though unless it's another chicken person when you tell strangers you have chickens it's like you just said "I live in a box and eat toenails." The look you get! :lau

X 1000, sister!!!

I used to be a very social person. Loved to go to concerts, love to feel that crush of swarthing humanity all around me. Going out to bars/nightclubs, social events, you name it.

Now, I long for solitude, cannot wait till I get home from work, rarely (if ever) go out on the weekend anymore. I would rather be home with my chickens/dogs/husband than anywhere else. I really don't like to be around people any more! (aside from you guys, the yoga studio, and my Wednesday eve happy hour at the old man bar we go to. Bunch of the same old farts, doing their night-out-so-they-are-not-completely-antisocial misanthropes like the hub and me.)

I wonder if it's a "getting older" thing. Not wanting to be around people. But I tell ya, I've really done a 180 with the whole social butterfly thing...
I have 3 dogs, 3 cats and my chickens, and honestly, Id spend time with them over most people any day! I have panic disorder, so I tend to stick around home a lot. But if you feel depressed, def do something about it! There are so many ways to help those feelings!

Ok, absolutely, this!!! I agree -- ladies, we have found each other because we were separated at birth, obviously.

For the longest time, I really believed (in a bad way) my family when they needled me, "Oh, you're too sensitive, you're such an introvert, blah blah blah." Yeah, I guess I am. And it's GOOD. I have a passel of animals that run from all corners of the property to greet me when I come home (chickens that fly on my shoulders, rabbits that rush my ankles, cats and dogs), great relationships with my kids, Sweetie, mom.

My counselor friend used to say, "Life is too short to waste time on #####s on a lower level."

To give my Sweetie some credit, he realized that his mom was NOT planning some Thanksgiving apology, said it was crap that he'd even considered wanting me to spend time there, and was sorry for how much it ruined our day yesterday. He cooked me a lovely dinner, we piled in the jacuzzi tub with wine, and then watched a terrible 80's horror flick ("Pumpkinhead" -- it's SOOOO 80's!).

He's still going to go to the event, because he needs to pick up his chainsaw and trolling motor from his dad, and he wants to see his brother get drunk and then everyone fight and cry. (it's actually pretty fun to watch this part).

I'm heartbroken to miss out on the canned spinach. My son and I will make sure to toast all the Crazy Chicken Ladies with our margaritas that day, as we nibble our Korean short ribs.

I appreciate everyone's support!!!
Ha! It's not even the least bit funny but when I started trying to have kids and it didn't work i can still remember that poor doctors face. I guess he thought i was going to freak as i had everything but none of it was right. Kind of like God pitched a drunk when he made my brat factory. I told him i was just happy wine wensday was still in the cards and went home. :)
I have 3 dogs, 3 cats and my chickens, and honestly, Id spend time with them over most people any day! I have panic disorder, so I tend to stick around home a lot. But if you feel depressed, def do something about it! There are so many ways to help those feelings!
I do have depression+other stuff. I built myself a second chicken run while hubby was in Montana last week and over did it. Bulging discs, nerve pain has got me down. It will pass and things will be better.

I have never been one to have a big group of friends, only 1-2 close ones. I have always wanted to be social in a big group of friends, like my husband, but it is just not me. I have had to accept that is who I am and that is okay. When I meet someone, I would rather talk to their animals, and I usually do.
Nothing wrong with that at all.:)
I do have depression+other stuff. I built myself a second chicken run while hubby was in Montana last week and over did it. Bulging discs, nerve pain has got me down. It will pass and things will be better.

I have never been one to have a big group of friends, only 1-2 close ones. I have always wanted to be social in a big group of friends, like my husband, but it is just not me. I have had to accept that is who I am and that is okay. When I meet someone, I would rather talk to their animals, and I usually do.
They'll pluck her nearly bald! Ugh, i picked the squirrel up by what was left of his tail so i could chuck him in the woods and Lulu was trying to jump and bite the dangling squirrel....little monster hen. :)
I'd say if they had had a 2nd go at it then they would have left you bones instead of a body. Not that they didn't cause it's death from the initial attack though, but it got into their space so it's kinda like the whole Stand Your Ground law.

You've got my luck, I'm so sorry. I don't speak to my sister anymore being that she was just awful with mom. At the end we had to put mom in the hospital she just went downhill. My sister told the nurses i was poisoning mom,they had to take her off the morphine so she could set that straight. She stole out of her purse and her house. When mom died she threw a tantrum in front of the mortician,and then broke into mom's house six months after.Oh i forgot! She wanted to take mom's car before they even took the body out of the room .Closest my cheese has ever come to the edge of my cracker.:)
Ugh.. that sounds oddly similar to what happened to my gma. My aunt was rationing her morphine when they basically told her that since she's terminal that any time she was in pain she could have up to x amt. My aunt would only give it to her every so many hours. My parents eventually moved in and took over her care until the end. After my gma got too bad to drive she gave her car to my dad, my cousin had expected it be given to her. My gma had made a will where my dad was executor & he and each of his 3 sisters got an equal portion of her estate which was basically a house and my one uncle was specifically excluded b/c of family stuff years before. Anyway, the daughter of one of the aunts felt that she should get her mom's portion of the estate b/c our gma was 'like a mother to her' (same one who thought she should get gma's car). And that same cousin also thought our gma should also give her the house except prior to my gma's death my dad had talked to her about wanting the house and my gma said she was ok with it & he'd have to buy it from the estate, but under no circumstance was the aunt (who was restricting the meds) allowed in the house after she died. After my gma passed my dad talked to his sisters about buying the house and they are all ok w/ it b/c the house, which my gpa built for my gma (which is why my dad wanted it to stay in the family) in the 1960's would need a lot of work for it to be able to be sold for what it was appraised at. Then my uncle was mad b/c he wanted the house & my dad was getting it. There's an insane amt of family drama. She was my last grandparent and it sucks that she's gone, but it's soooo nice to know that we don't have to deal with anything else like this ever again.

Husbands, MIL’s, etc. All these people are pure evil!!! I am not in the mood to talk about my evil’s.
When my evil aunt died, it was one of my happiest days. I felt so much relief.
So my mom's brother was a horrible person. Sexually assaulted his own underage daughter (the one who thought she was entitled to her mom's inheritance and my gma's house & car - one guess why she's so screwed up). He died last fall. I wasn't even a little bit sad. I don't understand why anyone who knew what he was would be sad. I guess I get why my mom does b/c it's her brother and she remembers him before he was a monster, but other people too.. IDC what they say about speaking ill of the dead. I'm happy he's gone, one less monster in this world.

AGGGGHHHH! I was just informed that my MIL (of my above posts!) has invited us to Thanksgiving, and my Sweetie really wants me to go, and be there for him.

"I think she wants to apologize to you, and make things right."

Huh? It's been a year and a half since "the incident" and I've had a pass on all of his family functions. I think I'm more pissed at *him* for pressuring me to go, than *her* for inviting me.

Grrrrrr. Must think of a way to not let this ruin my day today. Man, I knew my luck would run out.
Just say you don't really want to go. He can go himself if he wants, but why should you lie or make up an excuse? Your feelings matter just as much as hers. I get your husband wanting everything to magically be better, but that's unlikely to happen. But if you do go let him know if she is rude to you again you're leaving immediately and make sure you keep the keys in your pocket so you can leave. Kudos for you for making it this far. My both of my ex's parents (remarried) hated me & they liked to do wonderful things like take a family photo of me, my husband and my daughter, then cut me out of it; Sing Baa Baa White Sheep to my daughter at thanksgiving after having a racist discussion, knowing my brother's kid is biracial; take a toy away from my daughter while she's playing with it to give it back to their friend they borrowed it from for their grandson b/c 'they were done with it'. Horrible people & I'm so happy I don't have to associate w/ them anymore... But, you know... I'm the problem.

I'm not antisocial i just really dislike people. All the people i know discuss things i don't care about and insist on telling me all their drama "which is usually caused by them in the first place." I like my chickens they've never got anything bad to say and it just really is peaceful to watch most of them, "not Lulu, watching her makes me worry." I've noticed though unless it's another chicken person when you tell strangers you have chickens it's like you just said "I live in a box and eat toenails." The look you get! :lau
You guys are totally my people! I hate people... there's this mermaid pillow that I just NEED, I can't link to it b/c we'll get in trouble, but basically it says 'I freaking hate people'. I don't have anxiety in crowds or anything, but I just hate going places where there's people. Like why do so many people NEED to be a the store at the same time I am?

Awww, jeesh. Do you want me to go beat him up?

I had one in the 3rd month -- MIL *hinted* that it was because of my age, and genetic defects and "all that. Probably for the best." (I was 43)

Yeah, that helped.
My xFIL said 'it wasn't a good time' when I had a miscarriage before my oldest was born. Um.. not a good time for whom? It was shocking, but then is suggestion to get an abortion kinda beat that jerk move.

I do have depression+other stuff. I built myself a second chicken run while hubby was in Montana last week and over did it. Bulging discs, nerve pain has got me down. It will pass and things will be better.

I have never been one to have a big group of friends, only 1-2 close ones. I have always wanted to be social in a big group of friends, like my husband, but it is just not me. I have had to accept that is who I am and that is okay. When I meet someone, I would rather talk to their animals, and I usually do.
How did the new run turn out? Did you get it finished?
I have 2 good friends too, but sometimes I really don't want to deal with them either. A couple years ago I deactivated my fb account b/c one was annoying the hell out of me, then she started emailing me every day b/c she couldn't chat w/ me. Then she was mad that I didn't give her any warning. Sigh. I always tell people that I am my favorite person and I'd rather spend time w/ me more than anyone else. Before I had chickens my goal every weekend was to avoid leaving the house for as long as possible. Now I have to go to my parent's house every day to take care of them. Apparently enjoying my alone time means I'm anti social or depressed, or grumpy, or have an attitude. Um.. no, I just like doing what I want to do.
No idea,we've got hens in here with cherry red combs hatched in April that aren't doing diddly. You're welcome to wait it out with us crazies if you'd like. ;)
Any idea when my June-hatched Mille Fluer will start laying? I wanna incubate her eggs. She is pretty mature, and has a bright pink comb though it is pretty tiny

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